Example sentences of "branches off [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Above Thwaite the Pennine Way branches off towards the right , behind the intake wall , while a signpost to the left reads " Bridleway to Keld " .
2 An access road branches off along the lochside to serve an oilrig construction unit , the weird contraptions of which are a disfigurement one hopes will be temporary .
3 From the roadside a short distance west of Blindbeck Bridge , a cart track branches off at a tangent and climbs easily to the shallow depression between Barbon Low Fell and Barbon High Fell , having the stream ( named as Aygill by the Ordnance Survey and as Barkin Gill by the caving fraternity ) away on the left .
4 A short side road branches off to a passenger ferry across the Kyle , linking the opposite shore with a narrow strip of tarmac eleven miles long that provides the only access to the lighthouse at Cape Wrath .
5 Half a mile past this the path branches off to the right , and goes through plantations to a large open glade known as the dry loch .
6 But they also have the possibility of taking a spectacular minor road which branches off to the left , ie south , at Wiggen .
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