Example sentences of "to opt out [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They debated more precise targeting of benefits , and persuading high earners to opt out of the state pension .
2 In addition , it seems likely that some , at least , of those who choose to opt out of the state or their employer 's scheme may end up dependant on state benefits at a later date , as the benefits from the money purchase schemes are unpredictable for both employee and dependants .
3 The statutory requirement should no longer apply to the 250,000 or so companies that are below the VAT registration threshold of £36,600 , and those companies which meet the VAT cash accounting limit requirements ( £300,000 ) should be allowed to opt out of the audit provided there is unanimous agreement among the shareholders .
4 Okay , so once it 's signed and accepted , the client , does their part of the bargain , i.e. pays their premiums , then there 's no way we can decide to opt out of the contract ,
5 We ca n't decide to opt out of the contract
6 The easiest way some choose to opt out of the obligations under the Single European Act is to ignore the Single Market directives .
7 Hospitals are also encouraged to opt out of the NHS and become business-style ‘ self-governing trusts ’ competing for patients on a profit basis against other hospitals .
8 thought that it was about privatisation or opting out of the health service , because the Labour party was putting about pamphlets saying such things as ’ Now the Government is forcing our hospitals to opt out of the NHS . ’
9 The treaty is being put to the vote again because last December 's EC summit in Edinburgh allowed Denmark to opt out of the treaty 's terms on defence co-operation , a common currency , supranational co-operation on police and legal matters , and ‘ union citizenship ’ .
10 The new vote will be on a revised deal agreed at the Edinburgh summit which allows Danes to opt out of the treaty 's plans for a common currency , joint defence , union citizenship and supranational police co-operation .
11 The decision to opt out of the requirement to scrummage changed the whole nature of the game .
12 And just that the proposals if you want to opt out of the homework timetable then they can but they 've got ta let
13 The issue is whether these men are to be allowed to opt out of the rule of law …
14 The government 's already allowed seventeen hospitals to opt out of the control of their local health boards .
15 Murray wants to opt out of the deal but two deadlines have already passed for Kiam to raise the money and now a third , and perhaps final , one has fallen due this month , the end of the football season .
16 permission from the Association of Northern Ireland Car Clubs to opt out of the NI championship for one year only , but they have agreed and so will be running the event for vintage , historic and class cars only , ’ says William Heaney of the TSCC .
17 This weekend doctors will receive the results of a poll for the BMA showing 73 per cent of GPs wanted to opt out of the commitment .
18 So that would be the argument against other schools even attempting to opt out in the Oxfordshire area ?
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