Example sentences of "concern [pn reflx] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the day we must concern ourselves with the practicalities and not philosophies of dealing with everyday problems .
2 We need not concern ourselves with the views expressed in newspapers which are wholly controlled by the state in totalitarian societies .
3 We need not concern ourselves with the details of Kant 's theory of Transcendental Ideas .
4 He did not concern himself with the business of creating such a society , only with the description of what it ought to be like : the actual propositions in the book are not to be taken literally , in other words , since he was offering only the ideal model of a better civilization .
5 But I do say that we , the ordinary man , must either insist he takes responsibility for what he discovers , and does concern himself with the ethics of its methods and application , or accept the responsibility to ourselves , and make our own decisions about how science is used .
6 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
7 The population census does not start from sociological theory and does not concern itself with the formulation of explicit hypotheses .
8 So , henceforth , ‘ urban ’ sociology would concern itself with the provision of such collective facilities .
9 The point of this fracture between regulation broken and its consequences is that it facilitates corporate crime ; executives need only concern themselves with the likelihood of being leniently punished for breaking regulations , whilst ignoring its consequences for the law does not concern itself with the consequences either .
10 A sociology of culture must concern itself with the institutions and formations of cultural production , for this is one of the most distinct of its fields .
11 A sociology of culture must further concern itself with the processes of social and cultural ‘ reproduction ’ .
12 The amendments agreed in December 1988 duly provided that while the Council of the Union should concentrate upon economic , diplomatic and other matters affecting the USSR as a whole , the Council of Nationalities should particularly concern itself with the interests of all ethnic groups within the framework of the Soviet multinational state .
13 At the present time the Tribunal may only concern itself with the modification and discharge of restrictive covenants , therefore only the restrictive obligations contained in the agreement .
14 It must further concern itself with the ways in which , within social life , ‘ culture ’ and ‘ cultural production ’ are socially identified and distinguished .
15 In effect this meant accepting that the sociology of knowledge must not concern itself with the truth of knowledge being studied but analyse the ‘ norms of thinking ’ for the participants under study :
16 She failed to see , Mrs Stead-Carter finally declared , why it was that Miss Poraway , who had never been a mother , should concern herself with the Mothers ' Union in the first place .
17 She suffered one paroxysm of doubt , the first and the last , and a matter of shame to her as often as she remembered it after , when the hour of noon came and passed , and no one sent for her to go into the town and fetch her father to the audience ; and when she ventured to enquire , she was told that one of his Grace 's clerks had already gone to summon Master Parry , and she need not concern herself in the matter .
18 The work of Piaget ( 1950 ) and Chomsky ( 1957 ) is essentially about thinking and language or psycholinguistics , but these authors did not concern themselves with the level of problem which arises when , for example , a physiologist and a psychologist attempt to exchange mutually supportive ideas .
19 The point of this fracture between regulation broken and its consequences is that it facilitates corporate crime ; executives need only concern themselves with the likelihood of being leniently punished for breaking regulations , whilst ignoring its consequences for the law does not concern itself with the consequences either .
20 Generally , though , I did not concern myself with a batsman 's standing .
21 I shall not have to concern myself with the interview of [ W ] but I shall concern myself with the interviews of [ the co-accused ] . ’
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