Example sentences of "be criticized on the grounds that " in BNC.

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1 Of course these too can be criticized on the grounds that they lack precision , and carry with them built-in biases , impeding both our understanding of our own field experience as well as obstructing cross-cultural understanding .
2 This procedure might be criticized on the grounds that the sample is too small to justify it .
3 To count such comments as these as indicative of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with housework may perhaps be criticized on the grounds that what these women are talking about is not the housework situation , but marriage .
4 However , we have seen that this approach can be criticized on the grounds that the discourse structure of the interview is still present and that attempts to obscure the nature of the speech event are likely to lead in practice to confusion and difficulty .
5 The film could be criticized on the grounds that all of the characters are white , ‘ respectable ’ and economically advantaged .
6 This argument can be criticized on the grounds that a state bureaucracy can not be called a class .
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