Example sentences of "shirt open at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Santerres were waiting for us with Bowyer who looked as if he had really settled in , shirt open at the collar , stubby feet enclosed in buskins whilst his fat face was flushed with drink and his breath smelt like a wine press .
2 He was strolling down the steep narrow street towards the sea , his hands deep in his pockets and his shirt open at the throat , very pale and Londonish , looking about him with the fond , proprietorial air of an Englishman returning to a favourite spot abroad .
3 He looked very fresh and smart in a crisp white shirt open at the throat and charcoal-grey trousers , exquisitely cut .
4 A thin-faced man , balding , in a shirt open at the neck to reveal gold chains , a woman , obviously beautiful in spite of the quality of the photograph , with her hair tied under a scarf Princess Grace style , and another man with a look of the Mediterranean about him whose face was partially obscured by sunglasses .
5 He was in jeans and a white shirt open at the neck , the sleeves rolled up over powerful brown arms , and Jenna experienced an unexpected shiver as she remembered those arms holding her yesterday .
6 He was sweating slightly , overheated from the bath , his shirt open at the neck .
7 Footsteps , then the door opened : a man , fortyish , glasses , slim , dark , meticulously groomed ; tailored slacks , a silk shirt open at the neck and patent leather house shoes .
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