Example sentences of "to guide [pron] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Melot 's Arab spy was engaged to guide everyone to the Wadi Fetilia which was the only practical route down the escarpment on to the coastal plain .
2 I was to have not only a tape-recorder but a minder as well to guide me through the intricacies and , I imagine , the possible legal hazards of broadcasting such an item ; he and his lady assistant would arrive and spend a day with me the following week .
3 The factual circumstances that can arise are infinite and the judges rely on a mixture of legal principle , policy and common sense to guide them through the maze .
4 Flaps of skin grew out of either side of the lower part of the body , helping to guide them through the water .
5 Frequently , all that they will have to guide them through the recommendations of officials will be their own political common sense ; this may well be adequate for a strong minister , but others may find it hard to change the bureaucracy 's course .
6 Yet God still speaks by his Spirit to throw fresh light on his word so that we might see its relevance to the contemporary world , and he speaks to his servants to guide them through the perplexities of life .
7 I think of my role as trying to guide them with the interface of the business side , the bits that they might not be interested in or do n't want to be involved in .
8 That set of responses is enough to guide them to the female .
9 It is thought that , because bacteria are so tiny , the Earth 's gravity has little effect on them and they need their miniature magnets to guide them into the sediment .
10 A hurricane lamp and a pinpoint of light from a torch were all the girls had to guide them across the sleepers and rails .
11 Please remember them in your prayers and ask God to guide them in the years to come , that they may continue to grow in love of him and of their neighbour .
12 When they had fruitlessly exhausted their task , Myeloski called the caretaker to guide them round the rest of the palace .
13 It is , however , very important that you share your expectations and develop the objectives necessary to guide you along the journey .
14 ‘ But for this you should really have at least £50,000 and preferably £100,000 — and a stockbroker to guide you through the minefield of stocks and shares . ’
15 A running calendar is simply a tool to guide you in the direction you want to go .
16 Nowadays , however , there is little clear principle to guide one through the maze of technical arguments .
17 The use of special juries of merchants by Lord Mansfield to guide him on the law is well known — not that he always followed their suggestions .
18 For long moments she toyed with his anxious , quivering wand , dexterously using her warm wet tongue and soft lips to guide him to the brink of orgasm .
19 Tracey laughed , and put his hand under her elbow to guide her into the cinema .
20 An hour or so was spent drafting a new outline for this second approach on the mysteries of the Coniunctio and , when she was satisfied that its thread was strong enough to guide her through the maze , she took up again the pursuit of Mercurius through the bridal-chambers of the mind .
21 Then he put a hand on her elbow to guide her to the door .
22 Smiling and apparently oblivious of her alarm that was rapidly turning into panic , Guido continued to guide her towards the sailboat .
23 The most upsetting thing was that it made her realise just how much she had been allowing him to guide her in the decision , putting her desire to leave the nurses ' home and her pleasure at Dr Entwistle 's recommendation very much in second place .
24 At least , Sara was ostensibly pushing it , but Dr Kent 's hand seemed to be on top of hers , helping her to guide it along the passage between the rooms .
25 In the final minutes of the spacecraft 's descent , Soviet ground controllers tried to guide it towards the ocean but lacked the necessary fuel .
26 And without doubt , many birds as well as pigeons , are able to guide themselves by the earth 's magnetism .
27 Just as we have adopted an intuitive approach to the concept of set so we shall allow our intuition to guide us in the matter of whether or not an explanation is logically acceptable : to formalise the notion of acceptability would take us too far afield , into symbolic logic .
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