Example sentences of "poses a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Illegal drug abuse poses a major threat to the fabric of our society .
2 Hurricane damage through high winds and tidal surges causes an immense amount of destruction and poses a major threat to many coastal communities in the USA .
3 Although the prospects of finding large quantities of oil and gas may be limited , this search and any future commercial exploitation poses a major risk to Wales ' high quality marine and coastal environments .
4 The civil servants determined to convince ministers ‘ that acid rain poses a real threat to forests and woodlands throughout Britain . ’
5 ‘ The ‘ monolith ’ theory with MI5 spies everywhere is a passport to paranoia' , he wrote , introducing rhetoric which mocked the conspiracy theory : ‘ If a ‘ revolutionary elite cadre ’ poses a real threat to their power , obviously the Learned Elders of Whitehall will make sure they control it too ! ’
6 The progressive abandonment of such a nationally observed day poses a real danger to family life and social relationships and especially to the welfare of many workers in the retail industry . ’
7 Now it will be obvious to an incisive mind like yours that the existence of the Counterweight Continent poses a deadly threat to our people here — ’ he paused , looking at Rincewind 's open mouth .
8 Unless disposed of with great care , landfilling of hazardous waste poses a great threat to the community — the contamination of soil , groundwater and drinking supplies with chemicals dangerous to human health .
9 That poses a great danger to the House .
10 He wrote : ‘ Local authorities regularly assert that the conveyance of such material poses a serious threat to the public and that nuclear authorities should turn to on-site storage as a way of removing this hazard .
11 Fisheries officials believe that this could result in the rivers being permanently lacking in some species of fish , and this in turn poses a serious threat to the fishing communities on the river banks .
12 Courts will be able to impose on a sexual offender who poses a serious risk to the public a longer custodial sentence than would be justified solely by the seriousness of the offence .
13 It must be recognised that an under-utilised labour force , without adequate welfare provisions , poses a potential threat to a LDC 's political stability which might discourage much-needed foreign investment and loans .
14 The concern to strengthen the democratic element within the British constitution poses a direct challenge to the authorities who seek to reinvigorate the " balanced " constitution of Crown , Lords , and Commons , and finds its most obvious expression in the commitment to abolish the House of Lords .
15 Every type has a unique charm and each also poses a unique challenge to the angler .
16 Integration poses a fundamental challenge to the nation-state and to the traditional models of global politics .
17 But the Norwich fighter still poses a heavy threat to their pretensions to Bowe 's crown .
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