Example sentences of "to jump out of the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well , she 's not going to jump out of the window in the next hour , is she ?
2 One of the more obvious facts to jump out of the statistics published prior to the Match was the uniformity of the U.S. side , particularly in their short games .
3 On the other hand , if it remains alive it may try to jump out of the hole and you can catch it in your hands .
4 The safety factor was also important as older people were not so able to jump out of the way of stock or swinging gates .
5 The physical reactions that stress triggers help us to jump out of the way of a passing bus , or win the egg and spoon race at the village sports day .
6 To jump out of the way a model must roll equal to or less than its initiative value on a D6 .
7 Ken , upset , tried to drive his van through the line of Mr Rowse 's patients : he broke the ankle of an elderly man too feeble to jump out of the way .
8 He said Mills reversed slowly , then more quickly , forcing Miss Deeley to jump out of the way .
9 Here the blaze had started , killing Dame Frances whilst the rest of the nuns , given some warning , had managed to jump out of the windows or find their way down the outside stairs .
10 The claim is disputed … but it 's still a good excuse for a ballooning festival.So the lawns of the Chase Hotel were busy this evening as the fist arrivals for the weekend event prepared for their ascent.We took up the offer of a flight with Ian Ashpole , who told us he planned to jump out of the balloon when we reached full height :
11 In spite of the inevitable tension , it will be a relief to jump out of the aircraft .
12 In the course of the journey one of them , an RAF pilot , had been shot dead trying to jump out of the train in an attempt to reach an Italian fighter plane on an airfield and fly it to Yugoslavia .
13 As the driver stopped at this junction the girl managed to jump out of the car .
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