Example sentences of "existed for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The large extended family household in any case seems only to have existed for a small minority , if at all .
2 Of course , nationalism is not all simple illusion , for real material differences do exist and have existed for a long time between different countries .
3 Anyway , we thought it would be suitably ironic and some sort of justice for having been booted off the Argent tour to cover that song , especially as Argent have not existed for a long time .
4 The judgements that have to be made are complex , not least because local government has existed for a long time and the opportunities for building up capital or depleting it have been great .
5 As we all know , not only in London but in many of our big cities , there are areas of great depression — neglected areas where there are thousands of people out of work — and those areas have existed for a long time .
6 Mont Blanc , to be sure , has existed for a long time , and probably will exist for a while yet , but it does not work to stay in existence .
7 Dean Acheson responded that the unhappy stalemate which had existed for a lengthy period could not be extended .
8 This brought the number of District Geologists in Edinburgh up to 3 , a repetition of the situation which had existed for a few years in the 1920s .
9 In the classical theory of gravity , which is based on real space-time , there are only two possible ways the universe can behave : either it has existed for an infinite time , or else it had a beginning at a singularity at some finite time in the past .
10 For the Third World or rather the underdeveloped world these questions have existed for the greater part of this century .
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