Example sentences of "place [pron] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly for earlier periods the rarity and high monetary value of items will place them beyond the reach of schools .
2 Weather permitting , the big helicopters will place them between the flows and the town .
3 Mrs Castle , as it turned out , had opposed this allowance , again on the characteristically doctrinaire grounds that an allowance which made it necessary for the disabled to purchase motor cars would place them at the mercy of the commercial interests of motor manufacturers .
4 The belief of the NUT that intelligence tests would be used to grade pupils on one scale rather than place them on a set of scales was amply vindicated .
5 Some aircraft were prevented from appearing the ‘ pans ’ on the crowd-side of the airfields , because their turning circle would place them on the grass and at risk of bogging .
6 He wrote also that he would be able to serve his monarch better ‘ … whenever the King 's grace … shall place me in a dignatory of larger value and extent ’ .
7 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
8 The basic fiduciary duties may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) The " no conflict " rule : the fiduciary must not place himself in a position where his own interest conflicts with that of his [ customer ] , the beneficiary ; ( 2 ) The " no profit " rule : the fiduciary must not profit from his position at the expense of his [ customer ] ; ( 3 ) The undivided loyalty rule : a fiduciary owes undivided loyalty to his [ customer ] , the beneficiary , and therefore must not place himself in a position where his duty towards one [ customer ] conflicts with a duty that he owes to another [ customer ] .
9 An officer who was not himself thus inclined complained that his predecessor ( and friend ) had ‘ considered that the man in charge of the northern area of Masailand should place himself in an atmosphere of utter discomfort ; in short should become a wild man of the west and suffer privations of all kinds .
10 a duty of undivided loyalty — although the exact extent of this duty is uncertain , it may be argued that a conglomerate , when acting as a fiduciary , must not place itself in a position where its duty to one client conflicts with that of another client .
11 The first is a totalizing strategy which dissolves every distinction into the all-inclusive distinction of race : for example you are always and already defined as Jewish irrespective of age , class , gender , culture , or any other feature which might place you in a category with non-Jews .
12 type : which will place you in the subdirectory called Letters , regardless of where it is in your structure .
13 And where does that place you in the beauty stakes ? thought Pascoe .
14 Minor misdemeanours can place her in a position of great vulnerability , subject to the whim of whoever happens to be on duty , and institutional life , by definition , is less flexible , less forgiving , than the ‘ normal family ’ home .
15 I hoped my action in sending him the book would place him under a sense of obligation .
16 Slightly perplexed , but fascinated , I invited him to elaborate and he outlined how , since arriving in London in 1961 at the age of 9 , he had been rocked by the awareness that his colour could place him in a position of possible — or probable — disadvantage .
17 Although upon return to Canada for what might prove to be no more than a temporary visit the mother 's situation might be unsatisfactory and she might suffer discomfort or perhaps even hardship , there is no evidence that there is a risk , let alone a great one , that the child 's return would place him in a situation which is intolerable .
18 Where do you place him among the tenors you have worked with ?
19 Where would you place it on a score card of 1–100 ?
20 A technical malfunction , perhaps , that would place it on a collision course ? ’
21 Neal ( loc. cit. ) however , attributes to the mosaic " Corinian " affinities — notably , beige coloured background tesserae , as used at Woodchester — and , presumably , would place it at the border of the first and second quarters of the fourth century .
22 There are two established ways of organising your wedding gift list : you can either do it yourself or you can place it with a shop .
23 Although the main emphasis of the book is , as I have said , on the process of coping , rather than on the content of what needs to be coped with , nonetheless the discussion will look somewhat abstract if we do not place it within the context of the Education Reform Act and the other present or imminent changes that are around .
24 If the right hon. Member has the evidence , he should place it before the Home Secretary , the police and other appropriate authorities rather than come here , in the time off that he has from his interviews on Sky , to make wild accusations about everyone involved in immigration matters .
25 If the incumbents of high office on opposite sides of the city 's Royal Mile succeed in blocking the proposed art sales , they will place themselves under an obligation to produce an alternative solution to the financial crisis .
26 Formation demands control precision and , in an Apache , you can place yourself within a foot of the intended position relative to the lead aircraft .
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