Example sentences of "refuses [to-vb] [conj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If after the contract is formed one party refuses to perform unless the contract is amended to include his terms , it is unlikely that the terms will apply even if the other agrees : even if there is consideration for the other 's promise , the threat to break the contract amounts to economic duress ( see Atlas Express Ltd v Kafco ( Importers and Distributors ) Ltd [ 1989 ] 1 All ER 641 ) .
2 Why is it then that he refuses to acknowledge that the defence is bad and needs improving ?
3 He also refuses to accept that the vicar 's status in society is on the wane , despite the Cluedo move .
4 He refuses to accept that the voters are fed up of electioneering in Langbaurgh .
5 In many ways , it 's the most radical BMW you can buy , with styling that , for the time being , bucks the house style , a chassis that refuses to oversteer and a facia that follows a trend instead of setting one .
6 It is difficult to project one 's mind to a subsequent sale where the receipt has to be produced , but one can visualise difficulty where the solicitor for a purchaser objects to the receipt and refuses to settle until a receipt in conformity with the Form provided is produced .
7 Indeed , where the bank or other party refuses to co-operate and the offence is serious , or is likely to lead to substantial financial gain or loss to any person , the same act allows the police to search for evidence which has the intention of furthering a criminal purpose , and in such cases this provision overrides legal privilege .
8 A third possibility is stagflation , where the economy refuses to recover but the rate of inflation does not fall , so reducing the central bank 's ability to ease credit .
9 Under pressure from Socrates Thrasymachus concedes the importance of skill and knowledge in winning consent for the rulers , but refuses to admit that the rulers govern in the interests of the ruled .
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