Example sentences of "gazing [adv] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He stood by the fireplace , gazing despairingly at the mouthpiece of the telephone .
2 ‘ Mrs Wormwood is n't going to thank you for this , ’ the man said as he led her into the sitting-room where a large platinum-blonde woman was gazing rapturously at the TV screen .
3 Cley rose to his feet and stood gazing down at the councillor .
4 The man was standing beside the stream , arms folded , gazing down at the water .
5 ‘ And this year you 're crazy about Maria Luisa , ’ Ruth murmured , gazing down at the fingers she had been wringing till they were red and hot .
6 He was leaning against the parapet rail , gazing down at the brick terrace several floors below .
7 She was gazing down at the town and smiling her private , remembering smile .
8 Now he must go away and I dare say I shall never see him again , ’ Joan said woefully , lagging behind despite Anne 's grumbles and gazing down at the ring .
9 She sat , leaning her cheek on her hand , gazing down at the dog , her flaming hair falling untidily down her back , and over her shoulders , and glistening in the light from the candelabrum on the mantel and the glow of the fire .
10 She frowned , gazing down at the table , she even bared her teeth .
11 Carol had been gazing gloomily at the lake .
12 I went on my way , gazing anew at the beauties of the course .
13 ‘ I must have my own , ’ Alexandra said to Penman , gazing absently at the silver tray he brought her , ‘ must n't I ?
14 He imagined a full-page , black and white photo of two barechested men ( their chests shaved ) , photographed in daylight , walking down the street , gazing squarely at the camera , holding hands , one of them holding an alsatian straining at a leather leash .
15 The beast is gazing disconsolately at the ground , its architectural studies abandoned .
16 For a moment he stood gazing balefully at the Corsican 's back as he turned away to pass on down the line .
17 The coroner , gazing longingly at the jugs of claret , was about to protest .
18 He sat down on the rug in front of the Anywhithers and leaned back on straight arms , gazing up at the sky .
19 He seemed to be gazing up at the night sky .
20 On the concourse people stood around gazing up at the departure and arrival boards , checking times of trains .
21 We float in silence , listening to the melodic , descending whistle of the ubiquitous canyon wren , gazing up at the ravens and turkey vultures , scanning the cliffs for deer and sheep .
22 Hundreds of people are standing around , gazing up at the indicator and waiting for the platform of their train to be flashed up .
23 The two women remained motionless , gazing up at the ceiling as if to trace the source and direction of the footsteps .
24 I called out that we were ready , but there was no answer , and when I returned to the bedroom I found her lying back full length on the bed , her eyes open and gazing up at the ceiling with that same vacant stare .
25 Felicity was lying with her head resting on the back of her chair , gazing up at the ceiling , her long legs stretched across her desk .
26 He was gazing up at the stars , probably communing with the Mother Ship and receiving new instructions .
27 They had taken refuge from the insects and the dew when sanity returned , and were lying gazing up at the stars .
28 He walked without hesitation to the very front row , sat down and lay back , gazing up at the screen .
29 But on this day , an unusually cloudless Sunday late in October , I had travelled from Cornwall ; the train was two hours late , and I rushed , humping my case , past the mute crowds gazing up at the information board , towards the taxi rank .
30 Do you remember when as a child you would stand transfixed , gazing up at the grandfather clock , with your little heart beating faster and faster as the minute hand slowly crept up to the hour when suddenly , with magical ringing chimes it burst into life .
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