Example sentences of "headed for the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But a minute or two later , as they turned out of the car park and headed for the road that led back to the villa , Ronni gave way to the growing desolation within her .
2 The following day , the visitors headed for the field and toured LASMO 's Santiago field gathering and pumping facility .
3 He swallowed hard and headed for the door that opened out into the hall .
4 Instinctively , she headed for the door that led out into the garden .
5 Outside , he headed for the bridge and there , halfway across , he came at last to a halt , with traffic rushing past , the river gleaming below and the city reaching away in an infinite complex parade of shining white and pearly grey with light snapping from windows and cars .
6 As she headed for the path that crossed the garden to the pool and then on to the pine forest and olive grove , she heard one solitary , impassioned call that hung hauntingly in the hot air .
7 As she walked up Tullis Street , Templeton 's came into view , and she headed for the entrance that would take her to the offices where she d been told to report .
8 And she wondered , as she headed for the hallway and the staircase that led up to her bedroom on the first floor , why the fact that that had not happened troubled her so .
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