Example sentences of "ensures that [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This password , known only to LIFESPAN RDBI , ensures that no unauthorised users have direct access to the database .
2 Although there should be separate , more detailed plans for each of these areas , their integration ensures that the separate plans are complementary whereas , in the past , compartmentalised planning led to overlaps and omissions .
3 The teacher 's pre-planning ensures that the necessary connections are made .
4 Finally , the resource manager ensures that the necessary resources are available for the project to develop smoothly .
5 This ensures that the relevant lessons are distilled and fed back into the appraisal stage of subsequent projects .
6 Through training , stringent supervision and the use of the most up-to-date equipment , Rentokil ensures that the highest standards of service are maintained .
7 • An increased pumping of the heart ensures that the exercising muscles receive all the extra blood and yet enough still goes to the brain and other vital organs .
8 Hence the clearing house ensures that the underlying securities form a large market capitalization and that there are a large number of shareholders .
9 The appointment of the Modular Evaluation Officer ensures that the broader aspects of the Course are ( also ) reviewed .
10 Writing is a motor skill which ensures that the same words written by different people are distinct — allowing signatures to be used as verification of identity .
11 The process of rehearsal draws upon a training which often reaches back into the singer 's boyhood , which provides him with the directed quickness of mind and the vocal stamina he requires , and which ensures that the choral results are generally quite passable and are sometimes excellent despite the constant absences , deputizations , hirings and firings that always threaten the homogeneity of what can be achieved .
12 Cross-addiction ensures that the weaker Fellowships receive support from members who have experience of stronger Fellowships but it may nonetheless at times be more helpful for a newcomer to receive slightly less individual identification but gain the experience of a stronger Fellowship .
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