Example sentences of "to sort out the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These can actually be a very good source of low cost resistors , capacitors , diodes , etc. , but only if you know what you are doing , and you have the necessary test equipment to sort out the good components from the ‘ duds ’ .
2 To sort out the various pitches and decide if the language is tonal or not , you therefore need a frame with pitches that stay the same relative to each other .
3 So one way to sort out the various GUTs is to see which can be used to tell believable — and , ideally , testable — stories about the big bang .
4 It is therefore necessary to use some sort of classification to sort out the various ways in which we might approach the problems of observation .
5 Two preliminary rounds were staged on a league basis to sort out the semi finalists .
6 The mother postponed her second marriage for six months to give time to sort out the new relationships .
7 They may want you to help to sort out the personal belongings of the dead partner , which is always a painful job .
8 There 's a bloody riot going on , the town is crammed with nigs , er blacks , and they are looking to sort out the Young Conservatives .
9 I 'm afraid sir , I have no knowledge , I have n't certainly myself spoken to anybody with regard to that , I would of thought the normal procedure would be for him to be committed to Preston Crown Court and for the Crown Courts thereafter to sort out the final venue .
10 I would have thought the normal procedure would be for him to be committed to Preston Crown Court and for the Crown Courts thereafter to sort out the final venue .
11 And a judge may have to sort out the immediate squabble .
12 He was laboriously attempting to sort out the financial details of the scheme he had put to Christian .
13 Intentionality is usually overlooked by causal theorists who tend to see their job as being to sort out the afferent limb .
14 The consequences for the country , especially in the many cases where the recipient government is not able to sort out the resultant confusion , can at worst be disastrous .
15 This is the stage at which outside help is often sought — and that at which it often becomes a bitterly complicated exercise to sort out the contributory threads of relationship and sex itself .
16 Will he use his experience and wisdom to sort out the ridiculous dispute affecting the coalfield communities and the money that is due to them ?
17 While the tannery try to sort out the best hides before they 're sent , these flaws can not be helped , so Klondyke cut round them , since otherwise the scar might eventually open up and spoil or even split the strap .
18 While the two aircraft commanders get their heads together to sort out the best approach to the problem we have been set , the two pilots sort out the flying side of life .
19 Occasionally , he managed to obtain temporary work : once checking stock in a publisher 's warehouse — hardly the sort of job for an ex-officer and far below his not inconsiderable intelligence — and on another occasion , because of his clerical and administrative experiences in the War Office , helping to sort out the vast archive of a deceased general .
20 Once you have rented or bought your home , and you have fixed a date for your occupation it is time to sort out the essential services — gas , electricity , water , telephone .
21 Sir Robin Ibbs was loaned from ICI and asked to sort out the civil service .
22 This will help to sort out the genuine cases .
23 She spent the rest of the day going through copy , dealing with the Customs and Excise men in an effort to sort out the red-tape tangle about the silk scarves , fielding telephone calls for Nina , running down elusive editorial , discussing layout .
24 It 's the kind of detail they can use to sort out the false confessions .
25 Finally , the staff of the clinic is completed by a social worker , whose role it is to try to sort out the non-medical problems that often go hand-in-hand with any infections .
26 The former Soviet republics are still trying to sort out the relative powers of executive and assembly .
27 If we manage to sort out the syntactical problems , we might find that in the end the other issues will get sorted out of themselves .
28 The three still have to sort out the thorny question of who will run the centre and where it will be .
29 It was left to us alcoholics to sort out the thorny problem .
30 She wanted to sort out the Social Security first .
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