Example sentences of "blown [adv prt] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well might a poem of that time depict the good ship of state being blown along by the prayers filling its sails .
2 Sometimes it gets blown along by the wind .
3 ‘ All the stained glass windows at the front of the bar were blown in by the blast .
4 The latest straws in the wind have been blown in by the bank 's disposal of its merchant banking arm , Charterhouse , last week for £235 million .
5 The foresters of fee usually had the right to take ‘ cablish ’ — that is , dead and dry wood , and trees or branches blown down by the wind within their bailiwicks : in Bernwood Forest , if the wind felled ten trees ‘ in one night and one day ’ , the king took them all , but if there were less than ten , the forester of fee took them .
6 Left : Ladies winner Fabiola Rueda has her Legionnaire-style cap blown off by the wind
7 We have the personal testimony of the South African Oxfam partner detained and tortured by security forces before being forced into exile ; the telex messages from Oxfam 's Mozambique office saying that South African-backed rebels have just burst into a hospital full of women and children and massacred over 400 ; and the telex that tells the dreary tale of Oxfam emergency relief trucks blown up by the agents of apartheid .
8 It must have been then that I was blown up by the land-mine , which may well have knocked out Private Prescott as well . ’
9 There is even talk of rebuilding the Kaiser 's Schloss , damaged in the war and blown up by the communists in 1950 .
10 ‘ Beautiful Miss Clare Mallender blown up by the IRA in mistake for Mr Dysart. 'ighly thought of .
11 IT is five years since 11 civilians were blown up by the IRA bomb at Enniskillen 's Remembrance Day Service .
12 He preached to the World Scout Jamboree and was blamed by the Daily Telegraph for reading his sermon to a multitude of boys and that the notes were too visible when they were blown about by the wind .
13 The men would risk being scattered on landing and the pilots would find it difficult to navigate because of the sand being blown about by the wind .
14 Her hair is blown about by the wind , for it is cropped like a charity girl 's : her arms are bare servile arms , touched with redness and roughness : she carries a pail in either hand .
15 The rain fell in tiny , miserable droplets that were blown about by the wind .
16 Then there are the heavy cargo barges puttering this way and that , languid helmsmen at their sterns , eager dogs , all blown about by the wind , tongues lolling , in the prow .
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