Example sentences of "belong to the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One may say , for example , that certain English expressions belong to the official style of weather forecasting ( " bright intervals " , " scattered showers " , etc ) , while other expressions ( " lovely day " , " a bit chilly " , etc ) belong to the style of everyday conversational remarks about the weather .
2 It is a document about the Labour party 's policy attitudes and it rightly points out that more than half of Labour Members have either recently belonged to or still belong to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
3 But a few might add : you also belong to the stratum of represented objects , you have a right to be indeterminate .
4 On May 3rd the Israelis sat down with two Palestinian academics , Ahmed Khalidi from Britain and Camille Mansour from France , who belong to the diaspora of 4m or so Palestinians who live outside Israel and the occupied territories .
5 I am very glad that in my area miners belong to the Union of Democratic Mineworkers under Roy Lynk .
6 Both factors belong to the concept of the proportionality of social production .
7 This is often confused with a lot of idealistic nonsense about the inevitability of progress , often coupled with ignorant nonsense about evolution " violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics " ( those that belong to the half of the educated population that , according to the novelist C. P. Snow , know what the Second Law is , will realize that it is no more violated by evolution than it is violated by the growth of a baby ) .
8 ‘ I belong to the Duke of Gloucester Trust and eventually I persuaded the officials to try fitting one of my whistles .
9 This rationalist approach is overtly expressed in Fowler 's statement that ‘ The proper excellence of architecture is that which results from its suitableness to the occasion … and this principle rightly pursued leads to originality without the affection of novelty ; but … the present enlightened epoch in architecture is woefully distinguished as having no character of its own nor any pretensions beyond that of adopting the various styles that have prevailed in all ages and nations without regard to the difference of circumstances upon which they were founded ’ ; while the critic J. C. Loudon [ q.v. ] described him as ‘ one of the few modern architects who belong to the School of Reason and who design buildings on fundamental principles instead of antiquated rules and precedents ’ .
10 It is also difficult to hit on an appropriate standard of measurement : it is clear that " past " , " present " and " future " all belong to the category of time reference ; but to what higher generic category ( say ) do moral attributes belong ?
11 Another pair of compatibles is husband and policeman ; both belong to the category of human males , and Arthur is/is not a husband and Arthur is/is not a policeman are logically independent .
12 In the case of processes , the division between those that make up the longue durée and those that belong to the sphere of conjonctures is bound to be rough ; there is no absolute division between a gradual increase in population lasting for a century and a cycle of growth and decline lasting a mere seventy-five years , a fact reflected in the organisation of La Méditerranée .
13 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
14 They belong to the family of a former employee of the Bishop 's Castle Railway .
15 Some of the earliest material ( i.e. object-types which are found both on the Continent and in England ) was dated by reference to the historical sources : ‘ the oldest brooches belong to the time of the invasion ’ ( 156 ) .
16 To the extent that activities are spontaneous it appears that they belong to the realm of the caused ( which in the case of biological process is obvious enough ) , and that he is a free agent only to the extent that he learns to direct them .
17 In theory , they belong to the Commonwealth of Independent States , the ever-more-shadowy grouping of ex-Soviet countries , and are guarded by KGB special troops on its behalf .
18 Pagans could not , of course , belong to the community of Christians .
19 The origin , heyday , disuse and final dismantling of the inclined plane at Foxton occupied at most thirty-four years , eighteen of which belong to the period of disuse .
20 Four belong to the kingdom of Pylos : the important town of Pa-ki-ja-ne , and the districts of Na-pe-re-wa , Me-za-na , and Wa-e-ro .
21 In cases such as this substitutes to this ideal are used , such as electoral registers , lists of households , etc. , with the proviso that such lists , while convenient , may not include , for any number of reasons , all the units that belong to the population of the United Kingdom .
22 Our metabolic differences were once explained to us by a Dyak companion in Borneo as due to the fact that I belong to the tribe of gibbons , whereas Lorne belongs more to that of the orangutan .
23 The first systematic studies of political parties belong to the end of the nineteenth century .
24 Those Christians who belong to the sort of council of churches where passionate debates take place about atomic war , South Africa , police brutality , racism and urban decay may think that they at least are closer to the real action .
25 TRY to deal only with firms that belong to the Association of Residential Letting Agents .
26 The majority belong to the class of pterines ( 2 -amino-4.hydroxy.pteridines ) and the natural pigment is often a mixture of two or more of these .
27 Since these ‘ facts ’ belong to the group as a whole and since the latter is more than the sum of its parts , they have a transcendent reality of their own and can not simply be reduced to the individuals in whose conduct they manifest themselves .
28 Neutrinos belong to the group of particles known as leptons — particles that do not feel the strong nuclear force which binds the atomic nucleus together .
29 Humans belong to the group of animals known as mammals , which are characterized by the presence of hair , mammary glands and sweat glands , tooth specialization , and the regulation of a constant body temperature .
30 Although they belong to the group of animals called Crustaceans , the group that includes crabs , lobsters , shrimps and water-fleas , they live on land .
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