Example sentences of "to arrive at a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If , for lack of a formula , British ministries ( and no doubt ministries elsewhere ) are unable to price the amenity value of landscapes threatened by development , how on earth would any government — or , more probably a conference of governments — be able to arrive at a system for pricing the air ?
2 The RHA 's use of two of the criteria service indicators and financial indicators — to arrive at a choice of hospitals is shown in Tables 4 and 5 .
3 NAEP went through an initial consultation with teachers and the general public in an effort to arrive at a consensus on the goals of education .
4 Richard Rolle 's at times flamboyant attempt to arrive at a form of living which would express his compulsive and impulsive drive towards personal realisation of the love of God , brought the circumstances of his life into prominence .
5 From these figures , it is possible to arrive at a number of quite different versions of what changes took place in the years in question .
6 Mr Carey said : ‘ We submitted a bid which tried to be clear about the problems , and to arrive at a view of what is practicable , which disturbs MPs as little as possible , while giving the broadcasters what they want .
7 Although in trying to arrive at a definition of schizophrenia much emphasis has been placed on the disturbances that are found in cognitive functioning ( perception , thinking , and attention ) , abnormal emotional response is almost universal .
8 It is the task in front of humanity to arrive at a definition for all controversial acts and to set a value on them ; acts decided as ‘ good ’ contributing to the Godhead , acts decided as ‘ evil ’ detracting there from , and acts of an innocuous nature as ‘ neutral ’ — , and having no effect .
9 It is clear from the above that higher headquarters placed great emphasis on L Detachment remaining essential fly as a parachute unit , and this was in keeping with Stirling 's doctrine that his men should be able to arrive at a target by whatever means were most suitable .
10 We have abstracted away from particular contexts , across communicative contexts in general , to arrive at a set of features , some of which seem relevant to the identification of a speech event as being of a particular kind , to the ability of the hearer to predict what sort of thing the speaker is likely to say in a given type of context , and to the constraining of interpretation in context .
11 Continuing , this charming road , my second favourite in all Scotland , now turns inland to avoid the high ground overlooking Plockton , and after a new byroad leaves on the right , makes a long detour , passing a pleasant inland loch , to arrive at a T-junction at Duirinish , the left fork heading for Kyle of Lochalsh , that on the right being a no-through-road to Plockton .
12 To arrive at a theory by reasoning .
13 But when apparatchiks from Central Office , who have us acting as stewards ( ie , usherettes ) are often seen risking life and limb , SAS-style , in order to arrive at a doorway at the same time as a minister does , they are taking a serious risk with morale .
14 His project is to discover the series of computations that the visual system performs on the input-pairs so as to arrive at an interpretation of the ( 2-D ) array in terms of ( 3-D ) replacement , motion , or change .
15 Since the discourse analyst , like the hearer , has no direct access to a speaker 's intended meaning in producing an utterance , he often has to rely on a process of inference to arrive at an interpretation for utterances or for the connections between utterances .
16 It literally takes seconds for a message typed in by someone in Britain to arrive at an address in the US , or Australia , or wherever .
17 I felt that no attempt was being made to arrive at an analysis of our situation based on the specificity of our experience as lesbians and gays .
18 An examination of Volume II will quickly reveal the unfinished nature of parts of the material , but there is sufficient there to enable the reader to arrive at an understanding of Marx 's ideas .
19 For instance , when trying to arrive at an understanding of the Earth in space , children discussed some of the following , statements in groups .
20 Moreover , once the precise mathematical form of f(U) has been unearthed by econometric testing , it is simplicity itself to arrive at an estimate of U * ; — one has merely to evaluate the root of .
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