Example sentences of "to arrive at the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Every day St John taught one Bible lesson at the school , and Miss Oliver , who knew her power over him , always chose that particular moment to arrive at the school door , in her most attractive riding dress .
2 Over the past 18 months the MCofS have attempted to arrive at the compromise statement on the contentious issue of bolting in Scotland .
3 Our children , 9 , and , 10 , are still asleep , but I take a cup to my wife before leaving home in time to arrive at the Grain Terminal before 7.00 am .
4 We intend to arrive at the Radcliffe Infirmary at 10.30 am on Thursday 15 June and we would hope to complete the interview with you in approximately an hour .
5 At 1200 hrs on 23 May , 1st Guards Brigade put out a warning order that the Army commander was expected to arrive at the battalion HQ of 3rd Grenadier Guards at 1130 hrs the following morning , where he " wishes to see the Brigade commander and COs " .
6 To claim your goodies , you need to arrive at the box office after 10.00am on the date of the film you want to see , bearing a copy of that day 's Independent .
7 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
8 Half a dozen of Chris Crackenthwaite 's apprentices pass down the street just as the girls begin to arrive at the Market Hall factory .
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