Example sentences of "borne out [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That was clearly borne out at the dispersal of the Mr and Mrs R E White 's Woodhayne herd where the talk of the sale was a 1000gns bid for a nine month old heifer calf .
2 The new 1.8 engine has been borne out of the five-door 's 1.6 by lengthening the stroke .
3 ‘ I think this was probably borne out of the insecurity of inexperience .
4 This may sound utopian , but it has been borne out by the experience of existing telecottages .
5 FMEs prepared to advise defence lawyers seem to be in growing demand , and that is borne out by the experience within our group , whose members go out of their way to stress that we work as independent consultants .
6 These admissions are borne out by the way their firms have so avidly bought technology in international marketplaces .
7 This spread of interest is very much borne out by the selection of numbers given to each of the tenors where Tauber has more semi-serious and operatic numbers to sing than his tow seniors .
8 It was assumed by most American policy-makers that the Soviet Union possessed the forces to fulfil a rapid occupation of Manchuria and Korea but this was not borne out by the course of events .
9 That NBT audiences and critics are out of touch would seem to be borne out by the response to NBT 's recent touring hit Romeo & Juliet .
10 This is borne out by the court 's judgment in Lopes da Veiga v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie ( Case 9/88 ) [ 1989 ] E.C.R. 2989 , from which it appears that in order for a national of a member state who is permanently employed on board a ship flying the flag of another member state to have the status of a worker/national of a member state who is employed in the territory of another member state , the relationship of employment must exhibit a sufficiently close link with that territory .
11 The agreement reached over the ( h ) — ( b ) and ( e ) — ( f ) pairs is also borne out by the original .
12 Lennis had stressed the emptiness of his life in having a daughter who had little to do with him , an account apparently borne out by the daughter herself in her interview with the banker .
13 According to my watch it was already after four o'clock , a rotten piece of information borne out by the angle of the sun .
14 This view of the meaning of Exodus 6:2–3 is borne out by the evidence of Genesis .
15 Clearly , more research needs to be done , but the main point is that the assumption that people with common political aims and grievances will definitely form pressure groups within the liberal democratic context is by no means borne out by the evidence .
16 However that may be , the prediction that non-ascriptive adjectives will be ungrammatical here is borne out by the evidence of associatives and others ( this is the more revealing , since it might sometimes be possible to understand the meaning which would be intended by the construction where they could be supposed to occur ) : ( 62 ) Fanshawe reported O'Neill 's collar clerical Jones could not imagine his wife former
17 That was borne out by the census that was taken in April , in rather warmer weather .
18 The argument that these spontaneous housing settlements are a superior form of accommodation to the city slums is borne out by the consolidation that takes place in low-income settlements .
19 This was also borne out by the inclusion of catalogues at the end of the book , looking very much like contributions from various nurseries and it is evident that those recommending the work did so with an eye to business .
20 The income tax treatment is borne out by the decision in Brown v Bullock , 40 TC 1 , concerning a bank 's subscription to a London club on behalf of its West End manager .
21 The fact that the consultative process described serves to enhance , rather than hinder , the task of school management is borne out by the school 's successful introduction over the last few years of development planning .
22 Railways somehow symbolized the fact that Americans never did anything by halves , and this was more than borne out by the architecture of American railway stations .
23 William Tidbury stated that on 11 December he had been working until late at a local farm ( this had already been borne out by the farmer ) .
24 This explanation is borne out by the remark of one middle-class housewife : ‘ I do n't go about feeling discontented ’ , the implication being that she thinks she might be expected to do so .
25 This observation is borne out by the Commission s statistical Parish Survey in which it appears that only 43% of Anglican churches have one or more Evensongs with a choir each month ( see Appendix 2.5 ) .
26 Now that one blow is borne out by the examination I made of Aldhelm 's head .
27 This is certainly borne out by the World Boxing Council ratings .
28 Experimenters , who approach an experiment with a belief that their hypothesis will be borne out by the experiment , tend to make mistakes of interpretation that favour their hypothesis and tend to overlook interpretations which are unfavourable to it .
29 The distinction is borne out by the Report 's own reference to the disclosure of information , and prior consultation on redundancy .
30 Mr Lamont claimed , in an optimistic message to the nation , that the ‘ self-denigrating myths ’ of Britain 's decline as an industrial nation were not borne out by the truth .
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