Example sentences of "to assume that the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is a point that has been commonly overlooked in the past , even by geologists , since there is a general tendency to assume that the only rocks worth bothering about are ‘ hard ’ rocks , which can be hit with a hammer !
2 Are we to assume that the actual test will be trialed ?
3 William Beveridge showed more appreciation of the problems posed by the burden of women 's household tasks when he stated that the ‘ housewife 's job , with a large family is frankly impossible and will remain so unless some of what has now to be done separately in every home can be done economically outside the home ’ ( although he never failed to assume that the final responsibility for domestic work rested with women ) .
4 His mistake was to assume that the Labour party would provide a more receptive political vehicle for his ideas than the Conservatives .
5 In which case I would see that the sensible thing to do , which is what we have done , is to assume that the current vacancy rate stays the same as a percentage and that with a larger dwelling stock , results in some additional vacant dwellings .
6 It would be a mistake to assume that the various strata of middle-class ‘ society ’ would naturally press for liberal reform .
7 It is an error to assume that the higher judiciary is always against reform .
8 Whilst it is true that the summit meeting of heads of state and government ( prime ministers and presidents ) in Stuttgart in 1983 adopted a Solemn Declaration of European Union , it would be a mistake to assume that the prime ministers and presidents and the European Parliamentarians were on the same wavelength .
9 It is n't safe to assume that the normal functions of a system are equivalent to what is lost after a lesion because the effects of a lesion may be masked by positive symptoms .
10 The Court of Appeal held that the jurisdiction clause was not binding on B. The way the documents were presented to him for signature was misleading : B was entitled to assume that the two copies of the terms were identical .
11 Nevertheless , it seems reasonable to assume that the specific nature of the object , and in particular its physical presence , will result in a tendency for it to act in certain distinctive ways , compared with other media of cultural expression .
12 If badly managed companies are no more at risk than efficient ones , however , it seems fair to assume that the disciplinary effect of the market for control is significantly diminished .
13 This was to assume that the Danish people would change their minds of their own volition ; that they had been so overcome by the enormity of what they had done that they would hardly be able to wait to get back to the polling stations to put it all right .
14 But Infas chief pollster Hans-Juergen Hoffmann said it was wrong to assume that the sudden explosion in neo-Nazi violence meant Germans as a whole were reverting to past attitudes .
15 Evans was right to assume that the sacral horns represented bull 's horns .
16 Beyond that , we 've got to assume that the main source for instruments was the same as for everybody else who lived out of the range of urban merchandising , and that 's catalogues : Montgomery Ward , Sears & Roebuck and places like that .
17 The architectural parallels are numerous and striking enough for us to assume that the large buildings at Phaistos and Knossos had a similar function .
18 It is a quite mistaken interpretation of the result to assume that the French people were not fully aware of the issue on which they were being consulted .
19 All of them tended to assume that the territorial division of Europe as it stood at the moment of their publication was , or could be made , permanent and sacrosanct .
20 But that should not lead us to assume that the same holds for the externalities identified here .
21 It is tempting to assume that the same rule applies , but quasar redshifts are , in some cases , very much bigger than any measured galaxy redshift , so the assumption involves considerable extrapolation .
22 The Windows for Workgroups beta included software to permit a DOS machine to hook up to a Windows for Workgroups network , although only as a client , so it 's safe to assume that the same Workgroup Connection software will find its way into version 6 .
23 Though it seems reasonable to assume that the ideal candidate for cardiac transplantation is one who has irreversible cardiac failure and severe symptomatic restrictions despite all treatment but with no requirement for intravenous or interventional support and no secondary end organ damage , in practice many of the patients referred for consideration of transplantation require active support in hospital and have been referred in some cases because they have developed secondary end organ damage .
24 For simplicity , however , it is convenient to assume that the precautionary demand does not respond to changes in interest rates ( that is , it is completely interest-inelastic ) .
25 This approach is fundamentally different from the approach adopted in the United States , where the law tends to assume that the very existence of monopoly power is against the public interest .
26 This could then explain why the rate of expansion is still so close to the critical rate , without having to assume that the initial rate of expansion of the universe was very carefully chosen .
27 It 's easy to forget them , to assume that the apocryphal bibliography must contain nothing but bad ideas , justly abandoned projects , embarrassing first thoughts .
28 But it would be unwise to assume that the advancing industrialization of the Soviet Union was increasingly leading to a form of politics in which organized groups took a more significant part .
29 It would be reasonable to assume that the considerable changes that took place in Britain were a result of these large-scale confiscations .
30 He is then asked to assume that the true date will be before the p0·5 date and asked to nominate an earlier date that would again divide the range into two 50/50 bets .
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