Example sentences of "placing [pron] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , the theory has to relate types of state to distinct socio-economic structures , without placing them as a whole in any historical sequence , and to explain changes in the state by characteristics of the structure of each particular form of society which engender a structural transformation .
2 Maureen Stone 's arguments that multicultural education is based on a deprivation model of black children explain how multiracial education may actually be placing them at a disadvantage .
3 In contrast , Andrea Lansley 's richly coloured , monumental compositions celebrate her body and focus on her physical and sensuary experiences , placing them at the centre of her work .
4 Referring to the third stage of negotiations between Israel and its neighbours , he warned that if the Arab negotiators continued to raise the question of the occupied territories " placing them at the centre of discussions … we shall know that their intentions are not directed towards peace " .
5 Procedures and functions do not need to be declared before they are used and there is no speed advantage to be gained by placing them at the start of the program .
6 Zollner 's illusion makes parallel lines seem to diverge by placing them on a zigzag striped background .
7 Firstly , the weight transmitted through the sailor 's feet can be used to counter the capsize by placing them on the rail ( W2 ) .
8 With a tea cloth around her hand she opened up the oven and took out the mince pies and sausage rolls , placing them on the top of the stove to cool as she put the turkey in to cook .
9 Lucinda jumped to her feet , collecting cups , plates and cutlery together and placing them on the tray .
10 He was running water over the dishes in the sink , swilling them round rapidly and then placing them on the side .
11 When I arrived on tie scene there appeared to be hundreds of people there , but a civilian — the works and bricks engineer seemed — to be the boss , and even the station commander was happily taking orders from him about filling sandbags and placing them on the Bund to strengthen it against the rising tide .
12 ‘ I 'll have these , ’ he said , placing them on the counter .
13 Chubb has sold 47.5m Sun shares to brokers S G Warburg , Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs who are placing them on the market .
14 Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree , reported on May 21 , transferring the troops of the Baltic border district to Russian Federation jurisdiction and placing them under the command of the C.-in-C. of Border Troops , financed from the Russian budget .
15 Its pattern-searching strategy resolves many theoretical issues by placing them within the constraint of empirical evidence .
16 Through his arrangement of spaces , and his location of individuals within them , Bentham used the plan form of the Panopticon to facilitate the flow of information to supervisory staff , so placing them in a position , as Hume ( 1981 p 5 ) explained : " to detect and punish disobedience and to adapt their policies and decisions to changing circumstances and varying performances . "
17 Cold setting was carried out by selecting the characters one at a time and placing them in a compositor 's stick .
18 Scald and skin the tomatoes by placing them in a bowl , pouring boiling water over them , counting to fifteen before pouring off the hot water and replacing it with cold .
19 The animal cells ’ ability to respond to induction by the vegetal region was tested by placing them in a sandwich between two vegetal regions .
20 Indeed , I have blundered straight away by placing them in a context of the 1960s and 1970s , as though in 1970 they stopped !
21 Giving reasons , therefore , raises our thoughts and actions from the here and now and from their singularity by placing them in the context of a wider perspective or tradition .
22 He wrapped me in a warm coat and placing me in the car took me several miles over the moor .
23 As soon as Silver disappeared , we got ready for a battle , placing ourselves around the sides of the stockade .
24 As I have shown above , there is a strong tendency in the organization to dismiss the social sciences , and it therefore seems fair to suggest that any police officer who elects to read for a degree in that discipline is knowingly placing himself into a position of outsider .
25 Law conceived of the role of the leader in an exactly opposite sense from Balfour : he sought to foster unity by placing himself at the head of the discordant elements where Balfour had thrown the leadership on the side of restraint .
26 Now , in accepting Tully 's offer , the defendant was not protecting his master 's interests … [ he ] was placing himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interests between him and his principal and he was looking after his own interests to the detriment of his master 's interests .
27 In his memoirs , Wilson makes no bones of placing himself in the line of succession of Baldwin , Churchill and Macmillan .
28 ‘ If I were to treat you like Dresden china , placing you on a pedestal and worshipping at your feet , would she believe you were in love with me ? ’
29 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
30 However , she could not avoid it at The Tamarisks , for although Fru Møller offered a generous choice of hors d'œuvres and puddings she did not provide a choice of main course and Elisabeth would not have dreamt of placing herself at a disadvantage by drawing attention to her disability and pleading for something easier than steak to swallow .
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