Example sentences of "varies from [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although people 's institutional knowledge of the comparative costliness of different types of credit is fairly accurate ( in terms , say , of knowing that banks are a cheaper source of loans than HP firms ) , they have little idea of the actual cost of credit , and of how this varies from type to type or firm to firm .
2 They point out that the model predicts that a stimulus will lose associability if it is consistently followed by a reinforcer of a given size but that if the size of the reinforcer varies from trial to trial then associability will be maintained .
3 In many polygynous species reproductive success varies from hour to hour and day to day and this may cause variation in IRS or DRS to overestimate variation in SRS and LRS .
4 Hence , local authorities have to deal with a number of different central government departments , but the extent to which this is the case varies from issue to issue .
5 The amount charged varies from lender to lender .
6 The relative weight given to examination performance and course work varies from course to course as does the method of determining the final result .
7 The number of classes each week varies from course to course , but is likely to average about four per course .
8 The definition of capital murder — which carries the death penalty — varies from state to state : in Alabama , a capital murder is one that occurs during the course of a robbery , or where the victim is kidnapped or raped ; or , where the perpetrator is on parole or has escaped from custody ; or where the crime is particularly cruel .
9 The influence of the USA is such that American lawyers seek to impose the effect of US law ( which of course varies from State to State within the Union ) upon the rest of the world .
10 Whose job it is to sort it all out , varies from problem to problem .
11 The condition of the patient on transfer varies from theatre to theatre and depends upon whether or not the theatre has a recovery room where patients recover from the immediate effects of the anaesthetic .
12 The neutral or mid-position varies from manufacturer to manufacturer but as the output arm is usually attached to a splined output shaft it can be easily adjusted .
13 Flesh varies from green to orange and is juicy and refreshing .
14 The larger eddies , which do play a role in the generation of the Reynolds stress , must be more characteristic of the particular flow , since the Reynolds stress distribution necessarily varies from flow to flow .
15 The description of the brewing process varies from brewery to brewery : in some mashing , boiling and fermenting taking place in open or partially-open vessels .
16 This varies from novel to novel ; but as a general guideline it is usually worth paying particular attention to the beginning and ending ( where structural aspects of the novel are often signalled most clearly ) .
17 It varies from village to village does n't it ?
18 Varies from culture to culture .
19 Soilless composts can also be put together at home , as in general they consist of 75 per cent granulated peat and 25 per cent fine sand ; the amount of plant food and chalk in the proprietary kinds varies from brand to brand , and you can add your own as required , though a good general mixture can be obtained by adding about 28 g ( 1 oz ) general fertilizer and 28 g ( 1 oz ) chalk to 1 bushel ⅛ gallons ( 36⅓ litres ) ( by bulk ) of compost , mixing all the ingredients thoroughly .
20 Thirdly , it should be noted that the proportion of university graduates entering permanent employment itself varies from subject to subject ( see AGCAS , annual ) between about 40 and 75 per cent of all graduates in that subject , with a mean of 56 per cent ; the remainder go into short-term or overseas employment , further research or training , are unemployed or otherwise classified ( 1987 figures ) .
21 The approach varies from title to title , or even within one volume when different chapters are by different hands , but nearly all titles in the series list the major works in all aspects of their subject , often in discursive critical sections , giving liberal examples .
22 But whether or not one can establish the existence of general limits to the authority of governments , the normal justification thesis invites a piecemeal approach to the question of the authority of governments , which yields the conclusion that the extent of governmental authority varies from individual to individual , and is more limited than the authority governments claim for themselves in the case of most people .
23 Over 30 years ago J H Sheldon , whose 'Social Medicine of Old Age' is still one of the most farsighted and compassionate reviews of the circumstances of older people , described old age as ‘ a quality of mind and body whose time or onset varies from individual to individual , rather than a mere quantity expressed by the term of duration applicable to all . ’
24 ( 4 ) Because the treatment required by the offender varies from individual to individual in accordance with what is ‘ wrong ’ with each , the duration and circumstances of the commitment must also vary .
25 We shall see that in fact , Black British speakers focus on the broadest Creole variety , though they code switch between this and British English to an extent which varies from individual to individual and from situation to situation .
26 Well this varies from individual to individual , but there are individuals who probably spend erm seventy per cent of their time on research , erm twenty per cent on teaching , and ten per cent on playing tennis .
27 The delay between this booking-in and being seen by the doctor varies from day to day , from hour to hour , and from clinic to clinic .
28 The frequency and extent of the roll varies from day to day and from one set of conditions to another .
29 Can teachers plan ahead when class membership varies from day to day or week to week ?
30 Yes , I think , I mean , it varies from day to day , but as you say the rumours at the moment are that the is being upped a bit and I think it would be different .
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