Example sentences of "to agree on a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then , once the owner realizes that the building is of value , it may be possible to agree on a constructive course of action .
2 Despite deep concern over the possibility of a major nuclear accident in the former Soviet republics or Eastern Europe , Western governments have been unable to agree on a comprehensive aid package to improve safety standards [ see also ED65/66 ] .
3 If the Unix suppliers are able to agree on a consistent systems management application programming interface — and each also uses a similar implementation of the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker Architecture — Corba — independent software vendors would be able to offer binary system management applications running across a variety of platforms .
4 If the Unix suppliers are able to agree on a consistent systems management application programming interface — and each also uses a similar implementation of the Object Management Group 's Common Object Request Broker Architecture — Corba — independent software vendors would be able to offer binary system management applications running across a variety of machines .
5 The congress failed to agree on a new name for the party .
6 THE ITV companies have publicly denied that they are at loggerheads after missing the deadline to agree on a new system for commissioning programmes for the ITV network from next year .
7 Prices plunged in October to their lowest level for more than 14 years ( taking the price of beans in London to £655 a tonne ) after the 74-country International Coffee Organization ( ICO ) failed to agree on a new price stabilization agreement favoured by the USA , the largest consumer , based on a greater allocation of the export market to some coffee producers , notably Colombia , at the expense of Brazil and the African countries .
8 A constitutional convention was elected in May 1975 to try to agree on a new form of government but it too ended in failure , leaving the province under direct rule from Whitehall , through the Northern Ireland Office and the continued presence of the army .
9 Unless and until agreements between the defenders on apportionment is reached , it is often difficult to agree on a joint approach to the pursuer .
10 The Defence Secretary , Malcolm Rifkind , says he is backing calls by the United States for its allies to agree on a joint strategy to end the war in Bosnia .
11 Experts met in Spain in September to discuss the problem but delegates failed to agree on a possible cause .
12 Something of the sort had been attempted by the late Victorian youth organizations , but these had been unable to reach the mass teen-age population ; and had also failed to agree on a coherent programme attractive to the different reforming interests .
13 By mid-year , however , it was evident that the so-called Schengen agreement , originally conceived in Schengen ( Luxembourg ) in June 1985 ( see p. 33786 ) , was unlikely to materialize on schedule because of continuing disputes , and when the Interior Ministers of the five countries met on Dec. 14-15 in Schengen they were unable to agree on a final document .
14 By the 11th ballot on May 19th the failure of the major parties to agree on a common candidate allowed the Northern League 's candidate , Gianfranco Miglio , to poll the highest number of votes , underscoring the potential influence of the League , with its 80 parliamentary seats .
15 A breakthrough to end the 11-year civil war in El Salvador seemed unlikely , as representatives of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) guerrillas and the government failed to agree on a common plan covering reform of the US-backed armed forces , arrangements for a ceasefire , and constitutional changes to enable the FMLN to disarm and participate in democratic politics [ see p. 38231 ; for 1990 peace talks see pp. 37372 ; 37449 ; 37770-71 ; 37850 ] .
16 Any group of five hundred and thirty five people find it difficult to agree on a common purpose or a common decision and increasingly , in period of crisis , attention turned to the presidency and presidents were not always willing to supply the leadership er that er the country expected .
17 Reporting on his efforts to get the three opposition parties to agree on a common agenda , Mr Christie said he feared the argument that 75 per cent of Scots had voted for constitutional change at the last election lost validity without some unifying factor , enhancing the Tories ' claims of legitimacy .
18 That schools be encouraged both to maintain their choral tradition and to liaise with local church musicians , in order to agree on a common repertoire of hymns and songs ( 610–614 ) .
19 As of the end of March the Security Council had yet to agree on a further resolution to establish definitive ceasefire conditions .
20 The sensitivity of the initiative is underlined by the fact that it took at least five months for Unix Labs and Santa Cruz to agree on a basic specification drawn up by UK firm IXI Ltd and edited by Unix Labs .
21 This means that even if the government , the TUC and CBI were able to agree on a particular course of development of the national economy ‘ the state and the social partners alike are unable to enforce compliance with such a plan at the micro-level ’ ( ibid . ) .
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