Example sentences of "attempted [to-vb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 It was not a motor-driven electronically tuned performance ( like a recent one by Salonen and the Philharmonia ) but one which attempted to penetrate the mysteries of the slower sections , above all those at the beginning of the second part , and one which was thoughtful enough to seem to come to its violent conclusion in spite of itself .
2 This is parallel to the gradient of acceptability which emerged from Harris 's results , and Labov attempted to accommodate the tendency of speakers to avoid making absolute judgements by asking them to assign to each sentence a score on a four-point scale , as follows :
3 More generally , he attempted to relate the sensation of flying during a dream to sensations from the ventilation of the lungs during sleep , or to childhood memories of being thrown in the air .
4 They attempted to increase the supply of low-cost housing through , for example , shared-ownership schemes , but did not encourage developers or housing associations to build accessible housing .
5 At the same time as he was engaged in more political work , Marx attempted to rewrite the history of mankind for the use of the oppressed , so that they would be able to understand the nature of the oppression to which they were subjected , and how it had come about .
6 In the late 1620s , some Calvinists attempted to obstruct the collection of money for the repair of St Paul 's , and throughout the 1630s large numbers of churchwardens were summoned to appear before the ecclesiastical authorities for failing to introduce the required changes to the lay-out of their churches .
7 What is obscured by this process is that it was through clothing , in both art and life , that Kahlo attempted to redress the wrongs of history .
8 On July 29 the Lok Sabha approved funds to meet government spending for two months while the government attempted to secure the passage of the budget and the new industrial policy .
9 In 1734 , for example , when Campbell of Ardkinglas was faced with a contest in Stirlingshire , this government politician attempted to secure the support of some of the freeholders who were normally to be found in the interest of the Duke of Montrose .
10 ‘ He thereafter summoned further medical assistance , ensuring that a doctor was called , and attempted to secure the support of a helicopter to remove the casualty to hospital . ’
11 However , during the Labour Government 's first period of office , 1945–50 , both the Ministry of Labour ( through dissemination of information to employers ) and the Ministry of National Insurance ( through slightly increasing the earnings allowance ) attempted to encourage the deferment of retirement beyond 65 and the employment of older workers .
12 ( 1 ) It attempted to establish the legitimacy of the Union by a referendum held on March 17 , 1991 , on the preservation of the Soviet Union .
13 Until the start of the civil war , in the summer of 1918 , there was a relative lull in the social conflicts during which the Bolsheviks shared power with the Left Social-Revolutionaries and at the same time attempted to obtain the collaboration of some sections of the bourgeoisie and industrial managers in their efforts to revive industry .
14 It is claimed Metclafe inflicted grievous bodily harm to a man and then attempted to pervert the course of justice .
15 The Kaifu government attempted to win the support of the second-largest opposition party , Komeito , or Clean Government Party , which controlled sufficient seats in the upper house to ensure a pro-government majority .
16 In this way the Bank attempted to avoid the situation of a gilt-edged marketmaker being in financial difficulties because it did not have the capital resources to cover any contingent liabilities incurred during operations in the market .
17 It attempted to identify the components of learning with a clarity not found elsewhere .
18 The chief priest of their idolatrous worship also took up his stand in front of the pagans , on a high mound , and like Balaam , attempted to curse the people of God , and to bind their hands by means of his magical arts .
19 To this end the Bank attempted to use the reorganization of the Stock Exchange to introduce further competition into the methods by which government debt was sold .
20 The philosophical critique , in varying ways , attempted to undermine the project of the sociology of knowledge by pointing to its at best doubtful , at worst vacuous , epistemological basis .
21 We argued earlier that the crime surveys commissioned by Labour Local Authorities in areas such as Islington , Merseyside , and Hammersmith and Fulham attempted to put the findings of the BCS into an inner city context .
22 For example , back in 1984 , a Building Societies Association working group attempted to predict the state of the housing market in the 1990s .
23 When Soviet troops invaded Finland in November 1939 , for instance , there was widespread sympathy in Britain for the latest victims of aggression ; but D. N. Pritt , although a member of the Labour Party National Executive , attempted to justify the role of the Russians .
24 Mrs Thatcher attempted to justify the exclusion of local authorities on the grounds that left-wing city councils persistently refused to co-operate with private industry .
25 At Dunstable , where the rebels were townsmen , they tried to restrict freedom of trade to within the borough , whereas the rural Essex rebels had followed precisely the opposite policy , and at Yarmouth the insurgents , drawn from the neighbouring countryside attempted to overthrow the rights of the municipality ( 98 , pp.41 , 108–11 ) .
26 By and large , though , I attempted to imitate the ways of the English .
27 Through this conservative normativist theory Dicey attempted to stem the tide of government growth in a collectivist direction .
28 In a later experiment , Dooling and Mullett ( 1973 ) attempted to determine the locus of the thematic title effect .
29 Narin attempted to determine the significance of relationships between the research event , the funding mechanism , and the location of the performer .
30 In another study in Scotland , Beaumont attempted to calculate the success of the Employment Training Scheme by finding out the proportion of migrants who remained employed in the destination areas for at least twelve months .
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