Example sentences of "to present [art] [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Area director Terry Wigley was on hand to present the new trophy to Islington .
2 Selleck , 47 , above , jumped at the chance to present The Practical Guide to the Universe .
3 We discovered very rapidly that if it was the doctor that had to present the age-well project to the patients that quite often they forgot to do it .
4 The aim is to enable organisations to present a friendly face to visitors .
5 The continuing failure of Labour to present a distinctive alternative to the Tories was indicated strikingly in the opinion poll finding that 40 per cent of electors believed it made no difference which party was in power .
6 It is not the purpose of this or the following chapter to present a comprehensive guide to the administration of a solicitors ' practice or to advise as to the ways in which its profitability can be increased .
7 Chris Larkin is proud to present a new addition to his range of handcrafted guitars — the ASAS small-bodied semi-acoustic guitar .
8 Conservative Cabinets used to present a strong contrast to Labour ones , as ‘ Labour governments are very much more used to the idea of people being mandated to do things .
9 The Open Day Committee hope to be able to present a substantial cheque to local charities later in the year .
10 Within a few years , most Boards felt that the Consultative Councils helped to defuse individual complaints and to present a favourable image to the public , and were willing to defer to them on some matters of general policy of an essentially political or presentational nature , such as priorities in rural electrification or aspects of domestic charging .
11 Reveals how public inquiries work and how to present a good case to the inspector .
12 But he had more craft and policy , more capacity to wait , to present a good face to the world , and to advance step by step towards his goal .
13 The new party aimed to present a viable alternative to the existing groupings but was widely expected to take part with the BNP in forming an anti-Awami League alliance .
14 The events surrounding the creation of the PDS were regarded as having illustrated the difficulties awaiting Italy 's second-largest party in any bid to present a convincing challenge to the Christian Democrats ( CD ) through new alliances with the PSU , independent leftists or radical Catholics .
15 Parents need to present a combined front to the children which is firm and united .
16 Support for the aged warrior extended as far north as Angouleme and seemed to present a serious threat to Frankish rule in Aquitaine .
17 ‘ The 1991 Dangerous Dog Bill already gives the Secretary of State a reserve power to impose muzzling or leashing on other types of dogs when they are considered to present a serious danger to the public .
18 Aim to present a final proposal to Principal 's Committee by end of 1994 ;
19 A member with a holding of a similar size will be quite unable to present a credible challenge to the board because in any contested vote the bulk of shareholders who bother to participate can be relied on to support the incumbent management team .
20 But now these incidental catches have come to present a major danger to cetacean populations .
21 The Portuguese Empire , which was constantly under threat , had to present a self-confident face to its European neighbours .
22 Eisenhower 's comments to reporters on the outcome at Geneva may hint at more than a desire to present a brave face to the world .
23 It was important that they should all be seen to be doing this in a town as a matter of agreed policy , to present a common front to prospective buyers who could not therefore accuse a particular tradesman of unfairly , unjustly discrediting him as a personal vendetta .
24 Thus in societies where kinship is an important determinant of behaviour , brothers and sisters are expected to present a common front to the world .
25 Management will therefore need to be able to have sufficient information to present an accurate account to the media .
26 It required governors to present an annual report to parents at the school , and to arrange a meeting with them to discuss it .
27 ‘ Clearly the Kurds , one way or another , are going to present an enormous problem to the courts very shortly , as they are at the moment to the Home Office , ’ Mr Justice Schiemann said .
28 However , there is great pressure on the authors to present an optimistic view to parents :
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