Example sentences of "vary [prep] the [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Mayhew and Longuet-Higgins ' theory established that binocular viewing of an extended surface introduces differential vertical perspective cues that vary with the distance to the surface .
2 Particular papers vary in the degree to which they emphasize propaganda rather than information , and this emphasis also varies through time .
3 Cultures vary in the degree to which they take sexual deviance as a serious sin or crime , but all control sexuality in some way .
4 The proximate cause of ageing may well be various kinds of damage ; however , these comparisons show that organisms vary in the extent to which they avoid or combat it .
5 Assessment schemes vary in the extent to which they rely on a structured syllabus and defined test modes .
6 Physicians and family doctors vary in the extent to which they feel comfortable outside the strict limits of medical treatment ; for psychiatrists , on the other hand , this is the essential nature of their work .
7 The functional select committees vary in the extent to which they pay attention to the expenditure proposals in departmental estimates .
8 Languages vary in the extent to which they rely on word order to signal the relationship between elements in the clause .
9 Admittedly , disciplines vary in the extent to which a personal response is expected of students .
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