Example sentences of "handed over to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Raiders like the Savannah , most feared of the Southern privateers , were secretly handed over to the Confederates in the Azores , by a merchant class who had helped finance and develop the southern plantations and economy .
2 NVA barracks and training areas were being handed over to the government for civilian use as rapidly as possible .
3 His place of birth , Montona near Trieste , was one day just handed over to the Communists and became a part of Yugoslavia .
4 In Brewster ( 1979 ) 69 Cr App R 375 ( CA ) , an insurance agent was guilty of theft of the premiums because the money had to be handed over to the companies he worked for under the terms of his contract .
5 He always forgets that , with the Inland Revenue , we are considering how much of a citizen 's money should be handed over to the state , whereas in matters relating to benefits we are considering how the taxpayer 's money is handed out on our behalf .
6 And as the prince played a round with bubbly brunette Gillian Petrie , it was revealed that the tape , containing a veiled threat that the Duchess would flee to her mother in Argentina , had been handed over to the Queen 's lawyers .
7 In evidence earlier this week Lord Aldington , 75 , formerly Brigadier Toby Lowe , who was chief of staff to General Sir Charles Keightley , commander of the British Army 's V Corps in Allied occupied Austria , said he had not known until 1979 what had happened happened to the Yugoslavs when they were handed over to the forces of Marshall Tito .
8 During a parliamentary debate on May 10 , Sheikh Hasina accused the government of incompetence and demanded that the entire relief operation be handed over to the army .
9 The bases were officially handed over to the army at noon today .
10 The Cárdenas city government was handed over to the PRD .
11 He continued until 1965 , when the NCLC was handed over to the TUC .
12 He continued as secretary until 1965 , when the NCLC was handed over to the TUC .
13 French referee Daniel Salles complained in an interview after the tournament that the top refereeing assignments in Catania had been handed over to the Home Unions referees , implying some kind of conspiracy — all of which is an absolute nonsense .
14 It was agreed that this would be handed over to the Angevins when the marriage itself took place .
15 The new minibus was handed over to the school yesterday in a ceremony attended by governors and members of the Eastbourne Parent Teachers Association .
16 The State Department thus confirmed Macmillan 's recommendation that the Cossacks in 5 Corps area should be handed over to the Soviets in accordance with the Yalta agreement .
17 In listing the various problems faced by 5 Corps , Macmillan includes " Dealing with the White Russians and Cossacks , together with their wives and families , serving in these German forces ' and " Dealing with Ustachis , Chetniks and other Yugoslav refugees , deciding which , if any , are to be handed over to the Tito troops etc " .
18 Refused by all , he doggedly returned to Scotland and carried on guerilla warfare until , captured by further treachery , he was handed over to the English by the sheriff of Dumbarton .
19 The ‘ appointed day ’ when all tramways had to be handed over to the Board , was 1 July 1933 .
20 Next week ODA officials will recommend to their minister , Timothy Raison , that the convention be handed over to the DoE — who will then have to pay the contributions .
21 On 1 July 1932 , the electricity undertaking of the South Metropolitan company was handed over to the London & Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority , who already supplied the current in bulk .
22 The system is thoroughly tested and eventually handed over to the user .
23 From there they were handed over to the Americans , who suspected them of being spies and treated them accordingly .
24 " CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point , but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or who might not be handed over to the Russians or Partisans to be shot . "
25 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
26 The statement said that Col. Robertson had died when his plane crashed over North Vietnam in 1966 and that his remains had been handed over to the USA in April 1990 .
27 During July Albrecht , Beer , Lotze , Maier-Witt , Sternebeck and Viett were all handed over to the West German authorities ; Seckendorff-Gudent was released after allegations against him were dropped .
28 In another statement , Maj J Laugham DSO of 45 Recce Regiment described how : " On 15 May the main body of the Croats to be handed over to the YUGOSLAVS were encamped to the south of the main road leading from the AUSTRIAN frontier to BLEIBURG …
29 He was quickly driven to Damascus where he was handed over to the US chargé d'affaires , John Craig .
30 Leith Nautical College agreed to operate a pre-sea training scheme for Cadets and Deck Boys on board the ship and the vessel was handed over to the Dolphin Training Ship Society , the ship in turn being rented to the College .
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