Example sentences of "increase in the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests a money increase in the order of 50 per cent from 1790 to 1800 .
2 increase in the budget for the Energy Efficiency Office for next year ?
3 Of the 2½ percentage points increase in the share of civil spending in total production about half is accounted for by services ( health and education ) and half by transfers .
4 Britain 's industrial output slowed in January , leaving it only 0.3% up on the year , compared with a 1.2% increase in the year to December .
5 increase in the proportion of employees being trained over the last seven years alone .
6 The 1.53 per cent and 1.57 per cent growth rates attributed to labour during the two periods consisted of quantitative changes ( increase in the size of the labour force and decrease in working hours per week ) and qualitative changes of labour of which education was the most important , an estimate of 0.35 per cent and 0.67 per cent respectively .
7 A tendency towards a general , though slow , increase in the size of most European armies is visible during this period .
8 More fundamentally there was no guarantee that a once-and-for-all increase in the price of gold ( a doubling was frequently suggested ) would suffice .
9 Clearly , our view of the importance of the 64.7% increase in the price of first-class stamps or the 40% increase in the purchase of second class stamps depends on the value involved .
10 Increase in the use of isolation hospitals and much improved midwifery techniques did much to lower infant and maternal mortality and this is obviously a key aspect of demographic transition .
11 In the remaining insects only the basal segment contains muscles , Johnston 's organ is present and increase in the number of segments occurs through division of the 3rd segment or sometimes also of some or all of the more distal segments .
12 increase in the number of homeless families ?
13 increase in the number of mortgage repossession orders .
14 increase in the number of patients treated compared with last year , which is higher even than the Government 's forecast increase in patient care .
15 increase in the number of homeless .
16 increase in the number of the homeless .
17 increase in the number of those in temporary accommodation , but is the Minister suggesting that they are not homeless ?
18 increase in the number of homeless .
19 increase in the number of people in work receiving training .
20 THERE has been a dramatic four-fold increase in the number of patients being treated by chemotherapy at Belvoir Park Hospital , Ulster 's regional cancer unit .
21 THERE has been a dramatic four-fold increase in the number of patients being treated by chemotherapy at Belvoir Park Hospital , Ulster 's regional cancer unit .
22 The result was a more than twofold increase in the rate of locomotive production .
23 Unionist reactions to these proposals , published and embodied in the Representation of the People Bill early in 1917 , were very hostile indeed ; it seemed a reckless step to give the biggest ever increase in the franchise in the midst of a major war , to throw away some of the plural votes on which the party had relied , and to receive in return a redistribution that could bring almost anything .
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