Example sentences of "presents [art] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Mr McCann presents the first Bond to Chris Smith of Royal Insurance , watched by Bill Tubey , Manweb ; Richard Smith , Barclays ; Erica Duff , Brookside Productions and Frank Cogley , Liverpool 's Director of Education Picture : TONY KENWRIGHT
2 Esquire together with Veuve Clicquot Champagne presents the ultimate guide to an active summer .
3 Between one inferior conjunction and the next Venus rotates almost exactly five times as viewed from the Sun and four times as viewed from the Earth and therefore Venus almost presents the same face to the Earth at each inferior conjunction .
4 You can see that it therefore presents the same face to the Sun at every other perihelion and that any tidal bulge would lie along the Sun-Mercury line every perihelion .
5 And since extraction for horticulture currently presents the main threat to the bogs , it calls for a major initiative to encourage the use of peat-free growing media and soil conditions .
6 To reflect the strophic build-up of the poem presents no great difficulty to a translator ; what is extremely difficult is to render into English , a stress-timed language , an idea of a metre based on syllabic timings .
7 Boarding and rummage of a merchant vessel presents no particular problem to us .
8 If a defendant can post bail and presents no physical threat to the community , he should be allowed to await trial at home .
9 ‘ So the current appraisal is that the level of mercury in fish presents no significant risk to consumers . ’
10 The user presents a specific request to the system to which the system responds with a specific document .
11 The example of the Korean church in this regard presents a strong challenge to many Western Christians to renew their commitment to a disciplined life of prayer .
12 This makes them appear not just personally unhappy but it presents a negative impression to their hosts .
13 As a process , this presents a stark contrast to Western models which stress the rights and prerogatives of senior management .
14 It is as if the inner mind structure presents a predetermined pattern to the sense organ , through the brain and sensory/motor nervous system , and only that input which relates to the inward pattern is able to gain entry to the creature 's world of subjective experience .
15 It presents a sharp contrast to similar houses occupied by their Welsh or English neighbours , divided into flats for nuclear units of mother-father-child or mother-child .
16 Implantation of the mouse embryo presents a serious obstacle to the analysis of tissue diversification during gastrulation and early organogenesis .
17 Reclamation of tins presents a similar problem to plastics , owing to the diversity of metals used — tin plate , steel , and aluminium .
18 The community health movement in western countries presents a similar challenge to the medical dominance we have described .
19 Part 1 is a weekend course of illustrated lectures and a practical pool session that presents a broad-based introduction to the subject .
20 The thinning of the ozone layer presents a major threat to human health , according to a report prepared by the UN Environment Programme ( UNEP ) and leaked to Greenpeace .
21 Santiago ( or James ) Island is one of the larger uninhabited islands , and presents a major challenge to the conservationists .
22 It is in fact of native Aryan origin and , with the dignity it confers on the crime against nature , it presents a marked contrast to the equivalent Semitic myth , the myth of the Fall .
23 This is a topic on which McClellan himself has written and one which presents a fundamental problem to anyone planning book provision for public libraries .
24 A quite developed model of the reasons for fragmentation of government into different tiers and sectors is provided by the dual state thesis , which presents a Marxist alternative to liberal corporatist theory ( see pp. 193 — 7 ) .
25 As has been seen , the futures market presents a particular challenge to the regulator to ensure that investors are given adequate protection from the potentially high risks and volatility involved in the futures market whilst at the same time ensuring that the efficient operation of the markets is not unduly impeded .
26 She presents a broken tea-cup to the landlord , who charges four pence for whisky .
27 In taking this view we are not denying that the loss of liberty may actually be necessary in a few extreme cases and this should only be where the child presents a significant danger to him or herself or where there is a significant risk of major further offending and severe damage to community .
28 The need to move employees from areas of low-cost housing to higher priced areas presents a special problem to an organisation .
29 Pictured Brian Hill ( right ) presents a special award to three times president Doug Allen .
30 Brian Hill ( right ) presents a special award to three times president Doug Allen
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