Example sentences of "fail [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If they agree , the agreement is renewed for that period , if they fail to agree by the expiry of the initial fixed period , then the agreement terminates automatically .
2 Despite knowing about birth control , girls fail to go to the doctor or the clinic to get anything .
3 As the opposite is also so , the priority is evident but does the vision exist among men who sometimes fail to see beyond the end of their noses ?
4 Commitment not only to the extended family but also to the nuclear , two-parent family will diminish as men fail to adjust to the aspirations of educated women , and more women follow the long-established practice in coastal west Africa of running their own households .
5 But elsewhere , if the original author is not quoted , the ideas often fail to jump off the page .
6 But we do ourselves no service if we neglect to ask fundamental , difficult questions about our understanding of some of the key issues , processes and terms involved ; if we ignore contradictions in our underlying discourses ; if we fail to grapple with the limitations of our assumptions about pedagogy and how subjects and subjectivities are formed ; and if we fail to notice how economic , political and cultural differentiations are undermining older fixities around the ethnic , class and political identities of the minority communities .
7 These fail to grapple with the shifting and kaleidoscopic nature of ethnic differentiations and identities and their relation to internal divisions of class and gender .
8 Research programmes will be progressive or degenerating depending on whether they succeed in leading or whether they persistently fail to lead to the discovery of novel phenomena .
9 But gluRs fail to localize at the NMJ and , by 16h AEL , the EJC at the innervated junction is 10-fold greater than the uninnervated site .
10 I never fail to remember on the day of the year when I was made a priest .
11 Most often associated with the school of functional sociology , these ideas have as axiomatic a pluralist integrative approach to political development , in which the centre is synonymous with authority ; and in so far as societies fail to conform with the model of integrated consensual authority , they are not properly modern .
12 Our charge against the metaphysician is not that he attempts to employ the understanding in a field where it can not possibly venture , but that he produces sentences which fail to conform to the conditions under which alone a sentence can be literally significant .
13 If there are signs of developing toxicity or the packets fail to progress through the gut satisfactorily then they must be removed surgically .
14 In addition , both unemployment benefit and income support , under certain circumstances , can be withdrawn or suspended if claimants fail to comply with the range of new procedures aimed at policing their behaviour ; for instance , if they fail to attend counselling or Restart ( introduced in 1986 ) interviews with Employment Service Officers or turn down ‘ positive offers ’ of help from the Restart menu , such as employment or a training programme .
15 If you fail to comply with the notification and certification procedures in respect of any day of sickness or any day of incapacity for work , entitlement in respect of that day to either SSP or sickness allowance shall cease .
16 What will happen if schools fail to comply with the recommendations remains to be seen — so far introduction of reviews has resulted in substantial voluntary initiatives for change in all Dutch medical schools .
17 These will arise , whether justified or not , and may lead to resentment on the part of employees if managements fail to deal with the problems quickly .
18 They fail to account for the boom in private enterprise .
19 An study by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has shown how EC " structural " funds , designed to alleviate poverty , fail to account for the environment and are in some cases responsible for the destruction of habitats and extinction of species .
20 A Grammar of Metaphor does not , by itself , constitute a theory of metaphor , and I have therefore had to rely on theories developed by philosophers and literary critics , while indicating where these fail to account for the aspects of Brooke-Rose 's writing that seem most interesting .
21 As I suggested in chapter one , Christine Brooke-Rose 's first four novels constitute a conceptual prologue to her later work , but because they fail to break with the assumptions of the conventional novel , they are unable adequately to articulate the relation of individual identity to language .
22 While promoting the erasure of fat people , Western culture also requires our existence as ‘ other ’ , to warn women everywhere that those who fail to subscribe to the cult of thinness will face exclusion and hatred .
23 Third , you are told that for every counter that you fail to get into the jar within thirty seconds you will have a finger chopped off .
24 If Ince sorts out the midfield with Palmer , I 'll be amazed if Shearer and Wright fail to get on the scoresheet .
25 The genes themselves do n't evolve , they merely survive or fail to survive in the gene pool .
26 [ … ] However the problem with regulation , as US experience testifies , is that the regulatory agency can become captured by the political interests of the industry it is regulating and fail to act as the guardian of consumers ' interests .
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