Example sentences of "seek [to-vb] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 These rulers did not seek to usurp the position of emperor , or to abolish the institution .
2 It is perhaps useful here to bear in mind the distinction often made in the study of pressure groups between ‘ interest ’ groups and ‘ cause ’ groups , though in the tactical struggle for influence each may seek to co-opt the support of the other .
3 In other words , A may seek to support the validity of his agreement with C by reliance either on executory or on executed consideration .
4 Presumably our recruiters will try to convey this , but written adverts , brochures and other media should seek to emphasise the benefits of which the following is a sample :
5 In Sudbrook the lessors had refused to appoint their valuer to discuss and seek to agree the value of the reversions with a valuer appointed by the lessees ; under the lease the valuers appointed were to refer the matter to an umpire .
6 What he might be doing is to actually seek to increase the proportion of our very vulnerable population into the means testing category and that what he 's got to watch is that he does n't end up in a position whereby defining health care in one way and social care very carefully .
7 The trustee can seek to obtain the agreement of members of the committee to a resolution by sending to every member a copy of the proposed resolution ( r 6.162(1) ) .
8 A long-term socio-economic programme in areas where small farms predominate will seek to encourage the amalgamation of small farms into more viable units to correct the age balance and encourage young people to stay on or come into farming in remote areas .
9 It becomes irrelevant that the two divisions are part of one company ; each division will seek to find the volume of trade that maximises its profits , and this will not affect the other division .
10 ‘ You must give me your solemn assurance on three counts : that you will not seek to discover the identity of my client , that you will not ask for any further assistance if the venture should prove to be unsuccessful and finally that you will not discuss this matter with any other person ; this stipulation to include even members of your own family and your circle of personal friends and acquaintances . ’
11 The project will initially seek to establish the distribution of care and finance for that care in the present system .
12 However , it may form the basis of a new approach to problems in which lawyers and advisers will not seek to establish the legal nature of the problem and then find the relevant law , but will rather seek to establish the nature of the problem and then contemplate whether any part of the law might be relevant .
13 One would not seek to reverse the course of history .
14 On the other hand , the vendor should seek to restrict the number of exemptions .
15 It would be tedious and is not , I think , necessary to examine them all but I must seek to trace the development of the law through the main decisions and I intend to refer to them in chronological order .
16 Finally , the investigators will seek to enhance the utility of the approach by eliciting the reactions of a group of interested scientists and policymakers to a range of different methods for presenting co-word findings .
17 In an address to the nation he promised that his government would seek to lower the cost of living and to stimulate employment , and would " promote a stable atmosphere for production and protect investors ' interests " .
18 Despite the eviction order there remained considerable press speculation that the US government would seek to reopen the issue of Subic Bay 's future with the new Philippine government which would emerge following the presidential elections of May 1992 .
19 Although the state might operate as an honest broker between different sections of the ruling class and may seek to give the appearance of neutrality to mystify its class nature and role , it will never be neutral as between the general interests of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat .
20 However , the omission can not affect the validity of the decision of 30 October 1990 , and Mr. Collins did not seek to impugn the propriety of S.I.B . 's recognition of Lautro as a self-regulating organisation .
21 While I would not seek to question the decision of the judges of a number of the awards ( although you may note for the record , however , that there were a lot of eyebrows raised in the trade by the comments on and judging of Helpware magazine , which won both contract title of the year and runner-up to best consumer launch of the year in the 1992 Publishing Awards ) , I would like to question the appropriateness of the chairman of the judges presiding over a ceremony where his own company won the most number of awards .
22 The plaintiff did not seek to question the correctness of an assessment or to have any underlying issue of fact adjudicated , but disputed the Revenue 's right to seek to vary the existing assessments by bringing s 485 into operation .
23 Environmentally-conscious consumers should seek to boycott the use of plastics .
24 A lawyer might be encouraged to work for , say , professional arrangements which opened up the profession 's services to the general public ; or a chemist might seek to reduce the impact of the chemical industry on the environment ; or a doctor might act to bring about a new balance between preventive and restorative medicine , as practised by the profession .
25 I shall single out those writers whom I take to be the most significant among contemporary anti-individualist social scientists ; I shall examine in some detail the nature of the assumptions embedded in their practice ; and I shall seek to assess the coherence of the social explanations those assumptions lead them to produce .
26 The standard formulation of the proper objective of management in the economics literature is that managers should seek to maximise the value of the firm , that is , the value of the residual after all fixed claims , such as those of the providers of loan finance and of employees , have been met .
27 There was broad agreement that the NAM should seek to represent the interests of countries of the South , especially within the UN .
28 The purchaser will seek to allow the management of the vendor company as little latitude as possible in the preparation of the completion accounts and will be seeking to ensure that past practices which have no doubt been adventageous for the vendor can not be used .
29 A united management means it is less likely that disaffected family members will seek to realise the value of their shareholdings ; their financial and political clout should improve as each of the families ceases attempts to undermine the other 's access to finance for expansion , and ; two separate distribution networks working together should mean the companies can gain additional contracts from non-competitive brand names .
30 When governments attempt to control the money supply , therefore , they must seek to control the size of bank deposits and thereby control the amount of bank lending and hence total expenditure in the economy ( aggregate demand ) .
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