Example sentences of "to close [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A hospital for pensioners that opened almost a hundred years ago is about to close its doors for the last time .
2 He wanted people to kneel during prayer ( as had once been done ) and ministers to close their sermons with the Gloria Patri .
3 For example , TV stations about to close their books for the weekend often have some blank shots to dispose of at a bargain price .
4 FOR THE first time in English legal history , judges ' decisions to close their doors to the Press and public have been challenged in the Court of Appeal .
5 The Gainsborough films that best characterize the desire of filmmakers to close their eyes to the darker currents in society , to make believe that the world really is as cosy as some wartime films made it out to be , are Holiday Camp ( 1947 ) and the three sequels set amongst the jolly Huggett family .
6 True , the older children found it necessary to close their eyes during the ‘ soppy bits ’ — to blot out the vision of Peter Pan ( Robin Williams ) and Tinkerbell ( Julia Roberts ) kissing , for instance — but that was a small price to pay , they thought , for a decent story of revenge , piracy and adult idiocy .
7 Fear sliced through her and she tried to close her ears to the sound , but as if to mock her it was joined by another and another until the air was filled with a shaking roar .
8 There must surely be another , far stronger expression to describe this mayhem , Laura told herself , desperately trying to close her ears to the mind-blowing volume of noise around her .
9 But nothing came and a little before dawn the wind eased and he managed to close his eyes in the shelter of the old oak tree in which he had taken stance .
10 In condition C , the experimenter asked the subject to close his/her eyes with the prisms left on so the effects would not be lost when the subjects opened their eyes .
11 You had to close your eyes for the Lord 's Prayer .
12 ‘ It is tempting to close our eyes to the Livesey case but , say what you will , it would be bad police Practice .
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