Example sentences of "act [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This kind of software can act as a visual aid or electronic blackboard and enables the teacher to present dynamic , colourful and complex images creating a more powerful and exciting lesson .
2 Such a change of rule would act as a great deterrent to those guilty of such offences on a regular basis .
3 Think too about drainage from paved areas at the bottom flight ; in wet weather the steps can act as a small waterfall .
4 These structural problems will act as a major constraint on any potential recovery in the housing market .
5 It is a remarkably simple idea , which IBM argues can act as a practical way of connecting existing islands of automation .
6 Working so positively and with such support with different people confirmed my belief that oppressions should n't be ranked against each other ; and that an EOP debate could act as a central focus around which a unity between different oppressions could be achieved while recognizing and accepting our differences .
7 On the other , it can act as a straightforward PA power amp .
8 As the emphasis for caring for mentally ill and demented patients moves to the community , they can act as a useful link between hospital and home , especially if they have a community remit .
9 Selection of a suitable topic for investigation out of a set of possibilities can be made through the application of a number of criteria which can act as a useful screen for filtering out unsuitable topics .
10 In addition to improving service you also have a sound basis for going out and telling your customer what you are doing , which can act as a useful marketing tool . ’
11 For the adult , it no longer provokes much help , since there is little mutual aid between adult felines , but where pet cats are involved it can , of course , act as a useful signal to the cat 's pseudo-parents — its human owners — who may then , like surrogate mother cats , come to its rescue .
12 On the contrary , the US decision , which was taken without consultation or advance notice , will act as a strong deterrent to accepting a US proposal last week that the Alliance should involve itself in regional issues outside Europe .
13 Except in the case of rent arrears , almost anyone can act as a private bailiff .
14 Each customer is looked after by a manager who will act as a personal adviser .
15 The grey-leaved Helichrysum petiolare , or moss-like lime-green Pyrethrum aureum ‘ Golden Moss ’ , used for a neat edging , will also act as a pleasant foil for the brighter plants that they frame .
16 Some officials recognized that the new system was alien , but expected that the judicial system would act as a progressive force which would promote the adoption of British norms about justice .
17 The activation of these neurons may be accompanied by glutamate release before the seizure , and glutamate may act as a paracrine factor to produce synchronisation .
18 Even if the typical criminal sanction holds out little hope as a general deterrent , does it act as a specific deterrent ?
19 It shows that the nature of political power in capitalist societies is very different under monopoly capitalism than under liberal capitalism , and it indicates that the state can act as a political force in its own right against both capital and labour .
20 The outstanding financial success of the Paris-Lyons TGV has convinced the French that investment in high speed railways can act as a powerful catalyst for development , and there has been fierce competition between the cities of the North to attract the new line .
21 Initially , the new subsidiary will act as a listening post on the Japanese market to assist in better fulfilling Japanese market requirements .
22 In May 1982 Britain tried to force concessions by delaying a review of CAP prices , but was defeated by a majority vote of the other members , an event which called into question the Luxembourg Compromise and showed that Thatcher could not simply act as a new de Gaulle .
23 If the public knew they could be ‘ caught ’ by any passing bus driver , this would act as a good deterrent against infringement .
24 From the available evidence , it seems fair to conclude that the typical legal sanction against corporate crime does not act as a general deterrent — others are not put off merely because some corporations and their executives have been fined , particularly when the fines are comparatively small and tax-deductable — and the evidence , such as it is , suggests that a specific deterrent function may operate , but only to deter corporations from recommitting the same offence .
25 However the undernoted information may act as a general guide to clarify what action may be required : —
26 For example , it is necessary to show mathematically that a DOG filter will act as a zero-crossing detector and that there are cells in the visual system that operate as DOG filters .
27 AN EARLY casualty of the Gulf war has been the idea that the European Community can act as a unified power .
28 Indeed , it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the rise of almost £25 , a chunky 9pc when inflation is running at 4.1pc , will act as a Labour Party reminder to the charge payer of past Tory gaffes ?
29 However , Einstein predicted that a galaxy could act as a gravitational lens bending light from a more distant source .
30 Dusan Plut , chair of the party , had said earlier that he wished the Greens to " act as a constructive opposition " but later agreed to join the coalition which was led by the outgoing Prime Minister , Janez Drnovsek of the Liberal Democratic Party ( LDS ) .
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