Example sentences of "seek [verb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Undoubtedly a similar danger exists if we seek to implement the corporatist goal of community in the corporation .
2 [ On ] our hypothesis the ego instincts arise from the coming to life of inanimate matter and seek to restore the inanimate state .
3 But he insisted that there was no alternative if Hungary was to gain the confidence of the international credit institutions and seek to heal the economic crisis .
4 Much of the egalitarianism of the democratic socialist Zionism that shaped the origins of this state has been gradually eroded as the orthodox rabbinates , Ashkenazi and Sephardic , seek to impose the various laws of purity on the public culture of the state of Israel .
5 Perhaps in the post-election ferment of thinking about where Scotland goes now it is even more important that we seek to discover the appropriate role for Christian Aid in that .
6 Secondly , and in contrast with this respect for the state 's monopoly of violence , because the provisionals seek to destroy the Northern dominance of protestant loyalists with a view to restoring ‘ the historic integrity of Ireland ’ , there is and will remain substantial support from among the Southern population for the violence the provisionals actually commit in the North .
7 We see ( again , particularly in the public sector ) institutions collectively framing their own mission statements , as they seek to define the particular role they see themselves fulfilling in the national system of higher education .
8 The FRED retains the proposal made in the Discussion Paper , which was supported by the majority of respondents , that convertible debt should be accounted for entirely as a liability until such time as it is actually converted , in preference to methods which seek to reflect the dual nature of convertible debt as part liability and part equity .
9 But there are signs too that the professional care providers seek to halt the slight trend in reduction which has taken place in the role of the mental hospital .
10 This rule may help to keep clear the distinction between those interventions which seek to challenge the structural conditions under which racist discourses are directly or indirectly reproduced , and those strategies which aim to interrupt their circulation in specific micro-contexts , and/or introduce alternative story lines .
11 That is because later generations do not wish to follow their parents into physically demanding , socially unacceptable or otherwise disagreeable occupations ; they escape or seek to escape the heavy lifting to a more comfortable and rewarding life .
12 In any event , it may be noted that the science attainment targets seek to put the scientific aspects of human reproduction into a social and emotional context , in a way that is consistent with the requirements of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 .
13 How can the right hon. Gentleman stand at the Dispatch Box and seek to justify the untrammelled entry of coal imports into Britain , which is flinging thousands of miners out of work and at the same time digging a hole for the economic morass in our balance of payments ?
14 At a district level CPRW 's branches seek to protect the important qualities of their own particular areas , using their special knowledge of local conditions .
15 The paper addressed at some length methods of accounting for convertible debt that seek to address the hybrid nature of such debt by accounting separately for its debt and equity components , although it did not propose that such methods be required .
16 The general principle they all provoke is this : all teaching involves dilemmas which arise when teachers seek to reconcile the various circumstances , contingencies and expectations of which the job , by its nature , is constituted ( Berlak and Berlak 1981 ; Nias 1989 ; Alexander 1988 , 1989 ) .
17 In short , theory can help practitioners to adopt a theoretical orientation to their task , whereby they seek to refer the particular techniques they use to more general principles , and , reciprocally , test out the validity of such principles against the observed actualities of classroom practice .
18 Where there is room for manoeuvre is in the way the media seek to locate the political significance of disorderly protest .
19 Like any other predator , leopards when hunting seek to get the maximum return for the minimum expenditure of energy .
20 Hence the classes-in-struggle seek to influence the social relations in the workplace by , for example , creating differential access to jobs and incomes — as with the reservation of certain types of employment for white persons only under the South African apartheid regime in the 1950–80s .
21 If we seek to examine the external world of people and objects in terms of our own experience of that world , the fact of time is bound , I think , to be an important consideration .
22 In the absence of these things , I seek to defend the present service as the best achievable .
23 In this chapter , we have outlined the main theories which seek to explain the aggregate levels of consumption and investment .
24 For this purpose the Regional Council has agreed a policy on violence to employees at work in order to identify and promote practices which seek to minimise the potential risks of violence to employees .
25 A properly drafted partnership deed should contain articles which seek to regulate the following matters : ( a ) the name of the
26 Some expert clauses seek to make the appointing authority ( or its president ) responsible for ensuring the expert has suitable qualifications .
27 One can expect cries of ‘ witchcraft ’ , ‘ blasphemy ’ , ‘ sacrilege ’ and ‘ idolatry ’ to be directed against those who seek to resacralize the female body .
28 To people who seek to follow the Labour party 's proposals in this area I suggest that the new clause demonstrates very deep and very worrying confusion .
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