Example sentences of "fails [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the so-called Street v Mountford test fails to cope with the demands placed upon it by its own social context .
2 Where the petitioner is found not to be entitled to have presented a petition or wished to withdraw his petition or allow it to be dismissed or fails to attend on the hearing , the court may substitute as petitioner any creditor who has given notice of intention to appear , wishes to prosecute the petition and is a creditor who would at the date of presentation of the petition have been in a position himself to present a petition against the debtor ( ie is presently owed more than £750 ) ( r 6.30 ) .
3 If the petitioning creditor fails to appear at the hearing of the petition , it would seem that the petition must be dismissed and no subsequent petition by the same creditor can be presented in respect of the same debt without the leave of court ( r 6.26 ) .
4 The chronic response occurs when the initial increase in cell proliferation fails to compensate for the cell loss .
5 Just as it seems strange and unnecessary that the law should have to choose between duress as a complete defence to murder , and duress as no defence at all , so it seems strange and unnecessary that a killing which narrowly fails to come within the requirements of self-defence or other justifiable force should then be classified as murder .
6 In particular , he fails to comment on the fact that eighty-five per cent of the seven-year-olds passed item ( 1 ) — a fact which suggests that even younger children might have been capable of passing this item , especially if it had been presented in an oral rather than a written form .
7 The traditional term " content " fails to discriminate between the philosopher 's concepts of SENSE and REFERENCE : what a linguistic form means , and what it refers to .
8 This often provokes a negative reaction from the other person who bridles at the explicit disagreement and therefore fails to listen to the reasons — indeed , is highly likely to interrupt the reasons rather than hear them out .
9 Equally , programming of work may be more complicated , particularly where sub-contract labour fails to conform to the contract programme , or labour is withdrawn .
10 To regard them as an example of a clear-cut binary opposition between good and evil , or rationality and irrationality fails to engage with the kinds of investments which they actually entail .
11 A threat to withdraw sponsorship if the Member in question fails to comply with the sponsor 's wishes may well , however , be a breach of privilege .
12 If the exporter fails to comply with the tender 's conditions and/or enter into the contract , the bank is liable to pay any costs ( limited to the bond 's value ) incurred by the importer in re-awarding the contract .
13 By contrast , a person who organises a procession or a meeting and knowingly fails to comply with the conditions imposed commits an offence punishable with three months ' imprisonment or a level three fine .
14 Section 5 of the Business Names Act 1985 provides that where a person fails to comply with the requirement set out in s. 5 and thereafter seeks to enforce a business contract with a party in default by means of a court action , ( a ) if the person in default can establish that he or she has a claim against the proprietor , which due to the proprietor 's failure to comply with s. 5 he or she has been unable to pursue , or ( b ) if a breach by the proprietor of s. 5 has caused the person in default some financial loss , the proprietor 's claim shall be dismissed , unless it is ‘ just and equitable ’ that the proprietor should be allowed to continue the action .
15 Where a party fails to comply with the direction for exchange of witness statements , he will not be entitled to adduce evidence to which the direction related without leave of the court ( RSC Ord 38 , r2A(10) ) .
16 It is true that if Mr. Tully fails to comply with the order of Buckley J. he could be punished for contempt after a hearing in open court and subject to review by an appellate court .
17 ( 3 ) An authorised person under the FSA who breaches or fails to comply with the Code in certain respects can be called to account by his SRO or RPB and may , in extreme cases , have his membership withdrawn .
18 If the data user fails to comply with the notice , then the Registrar can issue a ‘ deregistration notice ’ .
19 4 If any of the member(s) ( " the Defaulting Member(s) " ) fails to comply with the terms of a Compulsory Sale Notice given to him , the Company shall be constituted the agent of each Defaulting Member for the sale of his shares in accordance with the Compulsory Sale Notice ( together with all rights then attached thereto ) and the Directors may authorise some person to execute and deliver on behalf of each Defaulting Member the necessary transfer(s) and the Company may receive the purchase money in trust for each of the Defaulting Members and cause the Proposed Purchaser to be registered as the holder of such shares .
20 Misconstruction of the enabling statute so that the tribunal fails to deal with the question remitted to it , failure to take account of relevant considerations , and asking the wrong question were , said Lord Reid , examples of this .
21 So he fails to delve under the surface for answers to some pretty fundamental questions .
22 Season ticket holders will get a FREE pass for the 1993–4 campaign if the club fails to figure in the promotion frame next year .
23 This favours those departments which have been successful in the past , but does not help those others which wish to expand or to improve their standards , and it fails to allow for the creation of new departments .
24 These major transformations can not be mapped onto the model of a continuous history , for its stress on putative anticipations fails to account for the way in which the whole form of knowledge can be transformed and a new understanding created .
25 Viewed from this perspective , we must observe that choice theory signally fails to respond to the hardship suffered by unsuccessful participants in the market .
26 Suppose by mistake or accident he fails to repay on the day named , is it fair that he should be held to the terms of the deed ?
27 It is inevitable that during a series of days spent ferreting there will be one occasion or more when a loose ferret , one fitted with a muzzle , fails to return to the surface for one reason or another .
28 When a don fails to return at the start of term , the shock at the discovery of his body in a Parisian church is well contained in the cloisters .
29 This definition suggests two of the major deficiencies of the international legal system — firstly that there is little one country can do if another fails to abide by the rules , and this is made worse by the second factor , the lack of a comprehensive single body of law that could form the basis of a truly coherent system .
30 Miller , speaking from Jersey where Hibs beat an island select 6-0 last night , confirmed that Budgie will be back in goal if Reid fails to recover from the ankle injury that forced him out of the trip .
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