Example sentences of "tended [to-vb] [art] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The international events of 1935 and 1936 tended to confirm the views of both extremes of the Labour Party .
2 In the main , it was a documentary type of novel which aimed to be an authentic depiction of a particular environment , and as such it tended to continue the tradition of nineteenth-century realism .
3 They took a special interest in the girls ' curriculum and , in keeping with the ‘ equal but different ’ philosophy , tended to promote the study of domestic subjects .
4 ‘ Merseyside was the most dangerous place to be in 1940 and 1941 , but the Government and media tended to emphasise the fate of London , because it could n't be hidden .
5 At that time deep ecologists tended to emphasise the value of the whole so exclusively that they seemed to rule out altogether any value for its parts and particularly for individuals , whether human or animal .
6 Analysts interpreted the vote , however , as indicating that the majority of the electorate tended to support the continuation of the present quasi-colonial " commonwealth " status with the USA rather than the radical options of either full US statehood , promoted by the PNP , or full independence championed by the Independence Party ( PIP ) .
7 Since most Christian teachers are kind persons who prefer to avoid controversy when they can , and doodle anxiously during fierce argument at meetings , things tended to go the way of Bethune-Baker ; partly because he was devastating , and partly because often he was devastatingly right .
8 Taken together , all these factors allowed a greater breathing space for a consideration of Europe , especially as the democracies had entered a period of unprecedented economic prosperity , something which tended to demote the urgency of protection for specific national interests .
9 A possible explanation for this is suggested by the secondary case study ( West , Chapter 3 in this volume ) where it was reported that there were indications that heads of departments and years tended to bear the brunt of the review activities .
10 Wives were not unaware of the pressures experienced by men at the workplace and on the whole tended to accept the burden of domestic responsibilities that fell to their lot , and which , if left undone or mismanaged , might provoke some kind of outburst from their husbands .
11 When I was at school and university in the 1960s , when the myth of progress was still very much alive , my social and political lessons tended to recite the advances of the century as a long list of linear progress : the gradual emergence from primitivism to modern civilisation .
12 Preparing the Next Steps — the conversion of the Civil Service 's businesses into executive agencies standing free of policy-making departments — tended to monopolise the attention of the efficiency unit with its tiny staff .
13 This tended to increase the influence of parliament ; and in 1858 , for the first time in British history , a government was driven from office on a foreign policy question .
14 It also tended to increase the cost of land more markedly in this region than elsewhere .
15 The later , more sophisticated theories tended to view the question of salvation not so much as God winning back the world from the Evil One and reconciling humanity in himself , but in terms of a legal arrangement entered into by God and man because of the perfect death of the sacrificial Lamb : God the lawgiver lets off sinners , as it were , because of Christ 's substitution .
16 Official committees of enquiry tended to duck the task of too detailed an account of the stuff of public service , falling back on the Pilkington Committee 's observation that ‘ good broadcasting is a practice not a prescription ’ ( Pilkington , 1962 , p. 12 ) .
17 She had little time for the slow-witted and the unenthusiastic , and just as she exaggerated the talents of those she loved , she tended to magnify the defects of those she disliked .
18 The conditions of the children 's home life tended to nullify the efforts of the teacher to instil a little culture …
19 These ‘ Zubatov unions ’ , so-called in honour of the police chief who sponsored them , tended to escape the control of their sponsors and contributed to the explosion of protest which shook the regime during 1905 .
20 Women in the labour movement also tended to favour the idea of a family wage .
21 The agricultural legacy of the colonial period was sometimes a modified form of shifting cultivation , sometimes a form of settled agriculture which tended to deplete the fertility of the soil .
22 Because of the association between ‘ peace ’ and ‘ quiet , ’ there is a natural tendency to suppose that a breach of the peace is ‘ any behaviour that disturbed or tended to disturb the tranquility of the citizenry . ’
23 Moreover , by the time of World War I a widening in the geographical scope of product markets themselves , and a desire to eliminate competition from low wage districts — together with government-setting of many wage awards during war-time — all these influences tended to extend the area of collective bargaining still further to the industry level .
24 In the 1970s Soviet leaders publicly denounced Western military bases in the Mediterranean , although this tended to undermine the legitimacy of their own military presence in Egypt .
25 The growth of industrial concentration and the size of firms , the acceleration of technological innovation , and the increased costs of restructuring sectors of private capital ( that is concentrating resources in more efficient units and transferring resources from declining to more profitable sectors of production ) all tended to undermine the effectiveness of the market as an ‘ automatic ’ regulator of the processes of capitalist accumulation .
26 On the other hand , the many other activities of London tended to offset the impact of a manufacturing recession .
27 This tended to mute the speed of change ( Stewart and Dopson , 1988 ) .
28 It was noted that linguists tended to use the concept of social class rather unreflectingly , primarily as a means of imposing some order on variable linguistic data collected from a large number of ( usually urban ) speakers .
29 Hence , it is interesting that , while the historical account of social policy tended to stress a variety of significant contributions to policy , building constructively on the past — the 1911 National Insurance Act , the 1944 Education Act , the 1946 National Health Service Act — perhaps a key theme in modern writings on the policy process is the absence of rational forward planning but in its place a phenomenon that has been called ‘ disjointed incrementalism ’ .
30 Nevertheless , Qatar , along with Oman and the United Arab Emirates , tended to stress the importance of continuing efforts towards a political compromise , unlike Kuwait and Saudi Arabia which both endorsed a military solution .
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