Example sentences of "fall [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and fall for the regularity of the wipers
2 If a stone is dropped from the top of a tower erected on the moving earth , it will execute its natural motion and fall towards the centre of the earth .
3 From the smoothness of the velocity field within the filaments and the way in which it matches up with the velocities of neighbouring clouds , one infers that the arms are probably gas streams tidally stretched out as they fall towards the bottom of the galactic potential .
4 Whilst we will agree to meet the fees involved in producing the arboriculturist 's report , the actual costs of tree removal or pollarding ( severe pruning ) fall outwith the scope of the policy and require to be met by the insured .
5 Historically , highly formalised patterns in wood , especially those of a purely geometric kind , fall into the category of parquetry which , though allied to marquetry , is not quite an identical craft , often requiring different techniques .
6 Doctors ' surgeries are filled with sufferers from countless illnesses which often fall into the category of ‘ stress-related ’ : high blood pressure , anxiety , ulcers , depression , tension , exhaustion , insomnia , phobias , skin conditions such as eczema ; and PMT can also worsen when we 're under intense pressure .
7 And the ionised air can glow , taking on a shape , according to Persinger , similar to that popularly ascribed to many UFOs that fall into the category of UAPs .
8 These fall into the category of superior quality in the lens and the shutter operation .
9 However , with called up ordinary shares totalling nearly 274,000 from an authorised figure of 350,000 , the vast majority of DVR shareholders still fall into the category of casual supporters who bought a stake to help the Company succeed in running the original Dart Valley line from Totnes to Ashburton , and the later Torbay acquisition .
10 Of course , as far as headhunters are concerned , these companies fall into the category of poaching grounds .
11 Many of the claims of the developing world , especially those relating to the establishment of a new international economic order , fall into the category of articulation of needs for economic development .
12 Large hotel and catering organizations , as well as breweries and other large enterprises , fall into the category of public limited companies .
13 Of these prenatal interventions , 0.8 fall into the category of primary prevention ( genetic counselling , avoidance of teratogens , and periconceptional vitamin supplements ) .
14 The issues over which strikes are fought also fall into the category of relevant political variables .
15 Those management approaches which are presented in in-service education occasionally fall into the category of those which describe organized anarchy .
16 Polymers such as polystyrene and poly ( methyl methacrylate ) with a high E at ambient temperatures fall into the category of hard brittle materials which break before point Y is reached .
17 Few of these fall into the category of rich kids turning to crime just for kicks , but some believe they are equally blameless .
18 Again there are too few patients who fall into the category of significant changs in body weight to permit valid conclusions but given the limited information , this did not seem to influence these results .
19 Unlike HARPY , all the strategies fall into the category of algorithm known as best-first .
20 Once you fall into the rhythm of off-piste powder it is intoxicating .
21 All too often we fall into the trap of thinking that the only really joyful experiences of life are those that we do n't have ; we can miss out on so much happiness if we do n't appreciate what we have already .
22 We fall into the trap of being efficient technicians of life , starved of the personal dimension of being ‘ mercy-full ’ .
23 She does not idealise those groups , nor fall into the trap of soft-focusing on the ‘ New Man ’ as the answer to all women 's problems .
24 The danger is that sometimes people who observe focus groups or read the reports on their discussions fall into the trap of saying that ‘ the majority ’ of members favoured a certain viewpoint , when this simply means five out of eight selected individuals .
25 Many amateur players fall into the trap of using the same club when chipping .
26 When we write the stories of people we know , we often fall into the trap of identifying too strongly with our subject and not giving the reader enough to go on because the material is too familiar to us .
27 Parents often fall into the trap of offering other food in order to tempt the child to eat so that the child appears to be faddy .
28 In short , whereas there is not the possibility of using an argument from analogy to answer factual questions about time on the Sun , there is the possibility when it comes to people 's feelings , and so , being predisposed by the second reason to think that there is some sort of connection between moaning and the pain-language , we naturally fall into the trap of confusing valid fact-establishing arguments from analogy with invalid meaning-establishing ones , and produce the well-known argument that I am , in general , justified in applying ‘ mental ’ language to other people by the fact that they behave as I do when I 'm in a certain state of mind .
29 fall into the trap of thinking that .
30 And if I fall into the pulse at the start of a piece of music it is a physical joy .
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