Example sentences of "to begin [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In social research the term ‘ interview ’ is used to describe a wide range of differing things and it is best to begin with a simple definition which focuses on the essential meaning of the word .
2 For example , in discussing ‘ duration ’ he compares the relative speeds of the narrating and the story , and in order to draw up his table he needs to begin with a non-existent form , a ‘ hypothetical reference zero ’ where the duration of the narrative exactly matches the duration of the events narrated — an ‘ isochronous narrative ’ which , as he says , does not exist .
3 To begin with a general point of caution , concerning the relationship between socialised economic planning and enterprise democracy : I have claimed these to be complementary features of the socialist project , and in an important sense they are , yet there is an inherent tension between the two which must be faced up to .
4 Many first phrases begin in this way , with a preparatory note or group of notes , and it is usual for each succeeding phrase to begin with a similar anacrusis .
5 There are two main ways of creating atonality : one is to begin with a tonal framework and then obscure it ; the other is to ignore conventional harmonies altogether and use only note-combinations which do not suggest tonalities .
6 It is important , therefore , in creating a database in the school library or classroom , to begin with a clear statement of aims and objectives relating to the design of the database and the needs and abilities of users .
7 Suppose we were to begin with a crude distinction of ‘ social nature ’ and ‘ social culture ’ , in which the latter were conceived in its narrow sense as representation rather than in the broad sense as symbol .
8 This move in , pull back shooting pattern can become repetitious of course , and an effective variant is to begin with a sudden close-up of some piece of action , say the kicking of a ball , and then to move back to reveal the background to the action .
9 In written English , says Deuchar , ‘ a grammatical sentence is expected to begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop and people are expected to write in sentences ’ ( ibid . ) .
10 It is best to begin with the second case .
11 To begin with the second example cited : ‘ I wish something to be given to you ’ .
12 It made sense , I suppose , to begin with the symphonic poem Genesis , paradoxically the most recent music on the disc , commissioned as a ballet by Janet Collins in 1954 , although not performed in the concert hall until 1969 , on the tenth anniversary of the composer 's death .
13 To begin with the nursing career structure was regraded into nine main clinical grades in 1988 , in line with qualifications and the responsibilities of the job .
14 Willingly she would have surrendered the gift of consciousness if only she might drift like these in a blind passion of being , exempt from question ; yet even as she yearned wistfully so , another voice inside her agitated mind was whispering the old caveat from the Rosarium : that all error arose from failure to begin with the proper substance , from a proud forgetfulness that the magisterium is Nature 's work and not the worker 's .
15 That was why , when you first asked me about this , I turned the whole question round and said ‘ You have to begin from the philosophical problem ’ , but indeed it could be applied in many places .
16 That was why , when you first asked me about this , I turned the whole question round and said , ‘ You have to begin from the philosophical problem ’ .
17 The crowds of buyers , who apparently did not share their view , were moving out now to the lawn where the sale was due to begin in a large marquee .
18 NEC is to develop a special version of its UP 4800 server series for Control Data , with shipments expected to begin in the second half of 1993 .
19 The actual sales were expected to begin in the second half of 1991 .
20 Deliveries of the new jet — which is designed to tap the market for business aircraft with an intercontinental range — are due to begin in the first quarter of 1991 .
21 Instead , the sketch was clear only in his and the director 's minds , and what was done was to begin in the limited area , biology and geology .
22 Transport minister Roger Freeman said yesterday he expected legislation to begin in the new year and be complete by October .
23 The Russian campaign started , in fact , while most people were still expecting the final show-down with Britain to begin in the near future .
24 Both vessels had withdrawn from Colombian territorial waters by Jan. 9 and the incident did not prevent a meeting taking place between representatives from Colombia , Peru and Bolivia on Jan. 10 in Santa Cruz , Bolivia , for the purpose of preparing the ground for the international drug summit ( which Bush was expected to attend ) scheduled to begin in the Colombian city of Cartagena on Feb 15 .
25 Advanced Micro Devices Inc and Fujitsu Ltd have now completed preparations for their Fujitsu-AMD Semiconductor Ltd joint venture on Flash memories , and groundbreaking for a $700m wafer fabrication facility in Aizu-Wakamatsu , Japan , is set for June with operations set to begin in the fourth quarter of this year .
26 To gain an understanding of the persistence and excellence of black sportsmen , the analysis has to begin in the eighteenth century .
27 This is a useful technique for systems designed to operate at the highest speeds , where the time taken for the initial current build.up exceeds the step period , so that chopping action does not have time to begin in an excited phase ( Acarnley , 1984 ) .
28 This would give him eighteen months ' salary as compensation for loss of office , and his pension was not to begin until the eighteen month period had elapsed .
29 Israel , having bent on other matters , continues to insist that the future of the settlements and Jerusalem can not be discussed before the negotiations on the final status of the territories , which are not due to begin until the third year of self-government .
30 The idea is to get Western hi-tech companies to sponsor the events , and X/Open is about to begin on a 90 day roadshow to drum up industry support .
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