Example sentences of "return to [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He says he feels sorry for his brother , he fears he may return to a life of crime if he gets desperate for cash .
2 The transferred executive will automatically return to a job in the home country ; the spouse will not .
3 He vowed there and then he 'd never return to a tournament like that ; he felt that a man of his stature should n't be playing in what was , after all , a second-rate event while the Masters was on .
4 A change of routine would be invigorating and you would return to the road in the autumn with more enthusiasm as well as more ability .
5 No matter , it was a wild weekend , and some time soon I 'll return to the scene of the crime and see if I can make the princely pond a home fit for a frog .
6 In a typical 16th century English charter party the owner of the vessel acknowledged , directly or through the ship 's master , that : 1 ) he had let the ship and promised to prepare it , by a fixed date , to take in the goods provided by the charterer ; 2 ) the ship would sail with the first convenient wind to the stipulated port ; 3 ) in accordance with a receipt or bill of lading he would deliver the goods in good condition to the designated person ; 4 ) the ship would remain at that port for a fixed period to take in such goods as the charter party nominee party needed to reload , and that the ship would then return to the port of origin , and deliver the reloaded goods in good condition ; and 5 ) the crew would be as described , and would be furnished with the proper gear .
7 Filmer was still beside her : the passengers tended all the time to linger at the tables , talking , after the meals had been cleared , rather than return to the solitude of their bedrooms .
8 If I am to be punished unfairly , could we return to the subject of volunteering for the Parachute School ? ’
9 I shall return to the subject of Friends of the Earth later and shall not go into too much detail now .
10 I will return to the subject of the debate .
11 We will return to the contrast between internalists and externalists in 9.3 , and examine it in greater detail .
12 If , as Paul suggests , attention to the context is a way of resolving problems , we may return to the text of Ulpian .
13 If the hotel accepts too many block bookings that could possibly result in the loss of other reservations from clients who may return to the hotel on regular basis .
14 Let us return to the falsification of the claim , ‘ Bread nourishes ’ , to see how this could be modified in an acceptable way .
15 It is in this way that Foucault can return to the possibility of doing historical work that has political force through his notion of genealogy , which means , as he puts it , ‘ that I begin my analysis from a question posed in the present ’ .
16 We shall return to the possibility of there being rules operating across sentence boundaries in detail in 2 .
17 Let us return to the configuration of two coils on a magnetic core ( Fig. 4.7 ) and apply a sinusoidal voltage to coil 1 from an ideal voltage generator ( having zero internal resistance ) .
18 We shall return to the way In which linguistic choice determines the nature of mental experience in Chapter 6 .
19 We will return to the story of the horn later .
20 Before ending the chapter , let us return to the story of the highland bullock 's horn , known in the Tennant family as the ‘ Auld Nick ’ or ‘ Clootie ’ horn .
21 The number of nuclear firepower in Russia will return to the level of the Seventies and the US will be reduced to the level of 25 years ago .
22 I shall return to the question of examinations in the next chapter , and to their relation to higher education in Chapter 5 .
23 We shall return to the question of whether GNP is in fact a good indicator of well-being later , and consider a newer approach which examines the extent to which the basic human needs of citizens are being met .
24 I shall return to the question of Beccaria 's humanity later .
25 We shall return to the question of labels later , but for the moment we may note that the ESSE/L Project has clear implications for developing information-handling skills , even if in more narrow forms such as study or library skills .
26 We shall return to the question of how awareness of cohesive devices may affect teaching practice in 11 and 13 .
27 Let us now return to the question of assigning lexical units to lexemes .
28 We shall return to the question of linguistic innovation in chapter 6 .
29 Let us return to the question of the possibilities for enterprise democracy under present circumstances .
30 How far present-day societies are likely to proceed along this road is a matter of debate ( and I shall return to the question in Chapter 6 ) , but at the least it has to be recognized that in recent years the idea of political action has been very substantially broadened , so that there is already a quite widespread awareness of the variety of ways in which individuals and groups of individuals can assert their dissent from the policies of government at all levels ( for example , the revolt against the poll tax in Britain ) and bring into the arena of public debate alternative policies .
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