Example sentences of "arrived at the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A note had arrived at the surgery from the lady in Chester saying that after careful study of the X-rays she thought that Mr Spottiswoode 's pain might be connected with a chest problem .
2 What would have happened had I not arrived at the door at precisely that juncture , I can not imagine .
3 Envoys of Offa , however , had arrived at the court of Charlemagne affirming that this rumour was the work of men who were enemies of both Charlemagne and Offa , and had gone on their way to Rome , accompanied by Frankish envoys , to reiterate Offa 's denial of a plot against Hadrian before the pope himself .
4 At the end of the first week Allaf was particularly critical of the Israeli delegation 's tactics , saying that the Israeli delegation had arrived at the talks with a " premeditated determination not to allow any progress " .
5 Fowler had arrived at the small-holding around lunchtime .
6 The court heard that four soldiers — Paul Fraser , Ian Smith , Brian Sim and Sean Bland — had arrived at the pub at about 10.40 p.m. in Fraser 's white Volkswagen Sirocco and stayed there watching the title fight between boxers Chris Ewbank and Michael Watson on the television .
7 From the Northampton Chronicle and Echo and then Reuter 's he arrived at The Gaurdian aged 28 in 1979 , and is said to have covered 50 sports .
8 However , few of the boards that we observed appeared to have arrived at the stage of reflecting on some of this learning in training sessions , which might , in turn , help them discover ways to become more effective .
9 We would ari have arrived at the block of flats prior to six o'clock but not many minutes prior to and then from there er we made our way up to that floor by the stairs as opposed to the lift .
10 The post-war bulge , which had exacerbated discontent with the procedure for allocation to secondary schools in the late fifties , had now arrived at the gates of higher education .
11 The verderers had arrived at the stones in no very comfortable mood .
12 Notice that , although I have just summarized some of the teacher 's predicament that I described in Chapter 2 , we have arrived at the summary by a different route : not by reporting what people say , but by looking at the inevitable consequences of working in a demanding situation .
13 One normally expects to see all the best opera , ballet and musical talent on this tour , but our group had arrived at the tail-end of a meeting of Comecon heads of state , the National Gymnastics Championships were in full swing and quite unexpectedly , a British delegation led by Sir Geoffrey Howe had arrived for peace talks .
14 The other proviso of course , is our commitment to ninety , nineteen ninety four , and nineteen ninety five , not having arrived at the end of the financial year yet , we 're still in the position of having to forecast what those commitments will be .
15 The death sentences were commuted at the end of 1849 , but only when the prisoners had arrived at the place of execution and been led to believe , as Dostoevsky put it , that they " had no more than a minute left to live " .
16 I had a distinct impression that many of the organisers had had professional theatre experience and that , naturally , their point of view was coloured by this , while the teachers had arrived at the point of realising the potential of drama as a tool of education .
17 Miss Kenton and my father had arrived at the house at more or less the same time — that is to say , the spring of 1922 — as a consequence of my losing at one stroke the previous housekeeper and under-butler .
18 It was eight days almost to the minute since the undertaker had arrived at the house on stilts and rung the doorbell for the last time .
19 In his account Norton claims to have arrived at the Elixir of Gold but to have had it stolen by a servant .
20 However , within minutes , Bertha — who like her mother processed Fru Møller 's wishes almost before her employer had expressed them — arrived at the table with an ice bucket , half a bottle of non-vintage champagne and Fru Møller 's compliments .
21 Marrakesh has long been a winter watering hole for the rich , the chic and the famous and the Shah had arrived at the height of the tourist season .
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