Example sentences of "pointing in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Keep the rig as upright as possible An upright rig presents more sail area to the wind and keeps the driving force pointing in the right direction — horizontally forwards .
2 Generally , then , the basic objective is to build up a strong framework or system of main stems , and to develop lateral side shoots which are pruned back each spring to 3 or 4 inches ( 7.5 or 10cm ) , with a terminal bud pointing in the right direction to fill spaces and gaps .
3 The car 's pointing in the right direction . ’
4 Twenty five signs inscribed ‘ To the Trams ’ and bearing an arrow pointing in the appropriate direction , were fixed to lamp standards in streets adjoining those served by the trams .
5 This was a book of fables , most of them pointing in the inevitable direction ; the title story told , with some charm , of a little boy who saw from a hillside while out walking a house whose windows were all of gold .
6 Each layer or sheet , of which there may be 50 or 100 altogether , contains fibres of the protein collagen all pointing in the same direction within the plane of the layer , so that each sheet has a readily ( if you have an electron microscope ) discernible direction or polarity associated with it .
7 This effect is best corrected by observing the exhaust smoke and trimming the model so that the tail boom is pointing in the same direction that the smoke is being blown .
8 He wants everyone pointing in the same direction , and that means a common culture and a common status .
9 We have , then , student wittingness and intellectual maturity both pointing in the same direction .
10 ‘ So many separate bits of evidence all pointing in the same direction .
11 When the front wheels were no longer capable of pointing in the desired direction of travel , it would launch into a gentle semi-spin if you did not act to salvage the situation .
12 Apparently , one out of every 16 signposts at crossroads in the region are pointing in the wrong direction .
13 Apart from uncovering hundreds of signs pointing in the wrong direction , the survey of eight counties in South West England also discovered that , to bring about consistency , an average of seven changes to place names were needed on every road intersection That is roughly equivalent to two changes on every standard rural signpost , such as the one shown in the photo graph ( left ) .
14 ‘ You do know , of course , that you 're pointing in the wrong direction , ’ Gabriel stated .
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