Example sentences of "combined with the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The push of rising population levels and increasing economic production capacity combined with the pull of widespread demand for products are enough to explain the rapid growth of the trading empire between 1700 and 1500 BC .
2 These costs , combined with the claims of the preferential creditors , entail a substantial erosion of the entitlement of the floating charge holder .
3 Perhaps the opening up of the secret police files , once Mr Krenz 's little empire , was the final shove , combined with the resignation of all the security chiefs and the placing under house arrest of his former boss Mr Honecker .
4 This short length of the female urethra , combined with the closeness of the vagina and anus , explains why women are so much more prone to infections of the bladder than are men .
5 He suggested that growing economic and political disparities between the northern and southern Mediterranean , combined with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the south and racism in the north , had generated sources of potential conflict .
6 Having clearly demonstrated his abilities he was appointed locomotive works manager at Swindon in 1895 , and two years later this job was combined with the position of chief assistant locomotive superintendent , with the intention that he should succeed William Dean , whose health was failing .
7 In direct contradistinction to this is the legal/administrative role of headteachers which , combined with the lack of time , compels a focus on routine procedures as is demonstrated in the research of Morgan , Hall and McKay ( 1986 ) and Torrington and Weightman ( 1989 ) .
8 The structure of the British court system , combined with the lack of effective policing , ensured that compromise and restitution remained possible during the nineteenth century for all but the most serious crimes .
9 ‘ This crisis takes two forms : the size of the prison population ’ ( combined with the lack of prison places and the running expenses of locking up and catering for such a large number of prisoners ) ‘ and the demands on the probation and after-care service ’ ( Bottoms , 1990a : 5 ) .
10 A loosely formulated neutralisation of Afghanistan , involving superpower guarantees of that country 's non-aligned status , mutual DRA and Pakistani pledges of non-interference and non-intervention , the withdrawal of Soviet troops ( though perhaps not military advisers ) combined with the cessation of external assistance to the mujahidin , and the retention of the PDPA as an important Afghan political force in a future coalition government , appears in principle acceptable to Soviet leaders .
11 The music , combined with the aroma of the oils , began to lull me ( I am not sure about Charlotte ! ) into a meditative state .
12 These features take on particular interest when combined with the findings of Squire ( 1964 ) whose study of readers not only found evidence of a considerable need on the part of adolescent readers for association and empathy with the characters in a work of fiction , but also a clear correlation between emotional involvement with a story and the formulation of literary judgment .
13 However , a sale of business assets often represents the merger of two businesses where it is combined with the transfer of business activities such as goodwill or the benefit of contracts .
14 Geographically and socially static populations combined with the mobility of capital result in which he sees as ‘ factions ’ of classes combining with each other in an attempt to attract capital to their locality .
15 Now , Derry Well Woman has combined with the University of Ulster and representatives from the Western Health and Social Services Board to arrange the 24-week course at Magee .
16 This combined with the smell of their droppings and the musky odour of the birds themselves , makes such colonies very smelly places and has led to the suggestion that the birds may use the smell to guide themselves back to it through the darkness of night .
17 They include schemes like that of the Abbeyfield Society which aims , by converting large older-type houses , to provide old people with the personal security and independence of their own room and furnishings , combined with the advantages of the degree of companionship and care that a communal dining room , the provision of main meals and the friendly attention of a resident housekeeper afford .
18 Their origins as providers of housing finance combined with the advantages of mutual status also help explain why , in spite of very rapid growth , their business remains overwhelmingly concentrated in lending for house purchase .
19 This , combined with the reduction of novel arisings as the new systems settle down , led to the expert system help desk being discontinued .
20 The premaxillary lengthening in Graecopithecus is a highly derived character shared with the African apes , and it is combined with the development of an incisive canal and an extended nasoalveolar clivus .
21 The ICI soda ash business began to face problems with the recession caused by the oil crisis of the 70s , combined with the development of natural ash deposits in Wyoming , USA .
22 But the role of vitamin A in preventing xerophthalmic blindness , combined with the discovery of antibiotics , overshadowed its possible anti-infective role .
23 The muderrislik of the medrese founded In Bosnasarayi ( 943/1536 ) by a less august member of the imperial family , Husrev Bey , grandson through his mother of Bayezid II , appears to have been combined with the muftilik of that city ; and non-imperial foundations of a similar type may be exemplified by those of Husrev Papa in Aleppo ( 952/1545–6 ) and of the beylerbeyi of Budin , Mustafa Pasa , in Budin ( 983/1575 ) .
24 A shared Protestant Christianity , combined with the legend of the persecuted Puritans seeking refuge in the new world to worship freely ( and pari passu to prevent those disagreeing with them from worshipping at all ) and based on the Authorized Version of the Bible , Shakespeare , Bunyan and Foxe 's Book of Martyrs , transcended political separation .
25 But ironically the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts in the 1880s accentuated rather than diminished this tendency , for police and judicial measures , combined with the efforts of moral reformers , were making ever clearer that distinction between respectable and unrespectable behaviour .
26 An increasingly perceptive and litigation-conscious clientele , combined with the abolition of fee scales and the introduction of fee tendering , will ensure that only those practices with an awareness of management skills will survive .
27 This , combined with the shortage of labour in the United States , it is argued , led to the collapse of the system by the middle of the nineteenth century .
28 The accurate diagnosis achieved combined with the evolution of intrauterine surgery , however , is radically changing patients ' management .
29 But the Ben must be bagged , and happily it can be combined with the ascent of another massive Munro , Carn Mor Dearg , which will steer you away from the tourist path and into some grander territory .
30 This , combined with the presence of Jewish revolu-tionaries in the Bolshevik uprising , and the alleged Jewish capitalist funding of the communists from Wall Street , convinced him that there was a plot to undermine civilization and the British Empire .
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