Example sentences of "setting up [art] [adj] committee " in BNC.

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1 Sanctioned by staff , a group meeting was held at which Billy suggested setting up a new committee to ‘ get a few things sorted out ’ .
2 The agreement included a clause setting up a joint committee to oversee air quality .
3 Alphonse Blaguet , a mediator appointed by President André Kolingba , was charged with setting up a preparatory committee , consulting with political parties and drawing up the agenda .
4 So it was a happy coincidence that the Rev Alan Mackenzie at the same Congress was able to announce that he had recently attended a meeting between Sir Keith Joseph , then Secretary of State for Social Services , and representatives of other national voluntary organisations concerned with the deaf and the hard of hearing , where the Minister 's intention of setting up a permanent committee to help and advise him had been discussed .
5 This includes setting up a select committee to which ministers and civil servants could be summoned for questioning , and phasing out the present system by which legislation on Ulster is passed by unamendable Orders of Council .
6 On Sept. 1 , 1989 , Kadhafi issued a decree setting up the General Committee for Defence , which would be responsible for organizing " the armed people " and would replace the Armed Forces General Command .
7 By setting up the Secret Committee Alexander acted in the style of his father ; by ordering Nazimov to delve more deeply into the views of the north-westerners he showed sympathy for a landless concept of emancipation which belonged to the reign of Alexander I. The regime seemed to be moving in the direction not so much of freeing the serfs as of turning a blind eye to them ( by consigning their future to yet another assembly of antediluvian officials ) or making their condition worse ( by opting for a form of emancipation which would blight their future ) .
8 Nor had it been mentioned in Parliament since the previous April , when Hall proposed setting up the Select Committee and holding an international competition .
9 The Government had responded by setting up an interdepartmental committee under the chairmanship of Lord Justice James to review the distribution of criminal business between the Crown Court and the Magistrates ' courts .
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