Example sentences of "facts [prep] the present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The facts of the present case demonstrated the importance of , among other things , discovering during the trial whether alleged misconduct by the police had had any effect upon the evidence and any likely bearing on the result .
2 On the facts of the present case the judge was , in my opinion , fully entitled to decide that , in the exercise of his discretion , no undertaking in damages should be required of the council .
3 Whether or not there is an agreement must depend on the facts of the particular case , and whether or not the decision of Vaisey J. was correct I consider that the facts of the present case , including as they do the letters of 12 June and 15 September 1986 , are not consistent with an agreement on the lines suggested .
4 ‘ I feel sure that if the Corporation of Exeter had had the facts of the present case brought before them they would never have insisted upon the payment of a toll which they clearly would have had no right to insist on if the plaintiff had but claimed exemption upon landing the limestone .
5 Section 33 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 , even if it applies to composite rate tax , is not applicable for a number of reasons , not least that no valid assessment could be made under an invalid regulation , that no assessment was in fact made and that , even if made , the assessment could not on the facts of the present case have been said to be ‘ excessive by reason of some error or mistake in a return : ’ section 33(1) .
6 Returning to the facts of the present case , we start with a document signed by Mr. Mahmoud and accepted by the landlord .
7 agreed that there was ‘ no evidence of agency on the facts of the present case ’ but went on to consider , 1987 .
8 ‘ Like my Lord , I can find no evidence of agency on the facts of the present case .
9 The purpose of each is different and the scope of each , in relation to the pleaded facts of the present case , is also different .
10 On the facts of the present case , however , it can be said , by analogy with Reg. v. Lawrence , that although the plaintiff permitted and allowed his property to be taken by the third party , he had not in truth consented to the third party becoming owner without giving a valid draft drawn by the building society for the price .
11 ‘ the facts of the present case appear to establish that the rogue assumed all the rights of an owner when he took or received the watch and ring from the plaintiff .
12 On the facts of the present case , however , it can be said , by analogy with Reg. v. Lawrence , that although the plaintiff permitted and allowed his property to be taken by the third party , he had not in truth consented to the third party becoming owner without giving a valid draft drawn by the building society for the price .
13 As a subsidiary argument , counsel for the defendants submits that on the facts of the present case the consideration , even if otherwise good , did not ‘ move from the promisee . ’
14 If those principles are applied to the facts of the present case , in particular to the Commissioners ' finding that the transaction did not involve any bounty on the part of Mr Levy , it is clear that there was no disposition , agreement , or other transaction within s454(3) of the 1970 Act [ now TA 1988 , s681(4) ] .
15 Or counsel may suggest , again with the very greatest respect , that a certain decision may perhaps be reconsidered if the point arises again before a court having power to overrule it ; meanwhile , it can be distinguished on the facts before the present court .
16 Secondly , on the assumed facts in the present case , the court would , in our judgment , have clear jurisdiction to rectify the proprietorship register of the house by substituting the name of the appellant for that of Mr. and Mrs. Hammond , since the case would fall within all or any of sub-paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) , ( d ) , ( g ) and ( h ) of section 82(1) .
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