Example sentences of "set fire [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His troops under the Earl of Hertford devastated the great Border abbeys , ravaged defenceless villages , set fire to the Canongate in Edinburgh , and inflicted heavy damage on Holyroodhouse .
2 He says that first the farmers set fire to the road , then they had to get through the drivers ' blockade .
3 Harry Gosling , secretary of the Lightermen and president of the NTWF , looking back some 15 years after the event , had no doubt however : " It was J.Havelock Wilson who actually set fire to the heather .
4 The Guatemalan security forces set fire to the building and he was incinerated , along with 30 of his campesino colleagues .
5 A BOARDING house owner who killed his friend when they set fire to the building for the insurance was jailed for five years yesterday .
6 And who set fire to the truck ? ’
7 The writ alleges that on the night of 26/7 February 1987 Sean Harris , a night security guard employed by Reliance , set fire to the company 's premises at the Manor Royal Industrial Estate , Croydon , causing damage estimated at £460,000 .
8 Changes in methods of firing and the growing popularity of Raku have altered all this , and whether you immerse the object in sawdust , and then set fire to the lot , or just sprinkle sawdust on the newlyfired and still hot piece , the subtleties in surface texture can be extremely rewarding .
9 They attacked the bridge in the dead of night and when the crew barricaded themselves in , they set fire to the decks . "
10 His sheets were scorched after the white plastic monitor box melted and set fire to the carpet .
11 On Thursday night , vandals smashed through a heavily padlocked , steel-panelled door and set fire to the stock .
12 Early on May 29th in Solingen , say the police , young neo-Nazis set fire to the house where the Genc family lived .
13 Set fire to the place !
14 ‘ They brought her out with a gun in her back , a woman of seventy , and set fire to the place while she watched .
15 Set fire to the place ? ’
16 In early April two young farm labourers , Valdecir Ferreira and Altair Gomes , narrowly escaped death when a mob 1,500-strong stormed and set fire to the prison where they were being held for the gory knife murder of a taxi-driver , in the state of Parana .
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