Example sentences of "closely bound up with the " in BNC.

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1 Rural development in Lewis and Harris remains closely bound up with the complex question of crofting .
2 The unequal distribution of such prestigious goods found in the cemeteries may be seen as a reflection of hierarchies in early Anglo-Saxon England and how the maintenance of such hierarchies was closely bound up with the consumption of such valuables .
3 This is why I maintain that both when and how these funds will be spent is closely bound up with the question of morality .
4 The concept of a constitution is closely bound up with the notion of the limitation of government by law , a source of authority higher than government and beyond its reach .
5 In general our direct evaluation of the sample of courses referred to here showed that a course 's effectiveness is closely bound up with the nature and substance of the messages being conveyed .
6 Thus an assertion of cultural identity became closely bound up with the quest for a political model to supersede the North American system .
7 Interpretation of the facts is very closely bound up with the question raised in the third section — ‘ what might some of the reasons be ? ’ — and I consider this further there .
8 The evolutionist schemes are too abstract and simple to comprehend the diverse political systems which have emerged within the largely separate political histories of different regions of the world ; and in spite of all the qualifications that have been introduced they are too closely bound up with the idea of progress — if not unilinear then at least converging upon the same end — to entertain the possibility that political systems might be repeated , mutatis mutandis , in the course of history : that new kinds of autocracy or new forms of empire might succeed democratic regimes .
9 After the achievement of political independence this nationalist fervour does not necessarily abate , and may even increase ; not only because , in many cases , the new nations remain economically dependent within the capitalist world economy , but also because their own development is conceived as a national task , closely bound up with the policies of an efficient , interventionist state .
10 The origins of an organised market in the debt of the government can be traced to the end of the seventeenth century and during the following hundred years the growth of the Stock Exchange itself was closely bound up with the growth of government debt .
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