Example sentences of "set [adv prt] down [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As the Renault set off down the drive , Vitor placed an arm around Ashley 's shoulders .
2 Goodnights were exchanged and George set off down the lane with Elizabeth , Sarah and their mother .
3 She returned indoors to fetch stout shoes and anorak , tied a headscarf over her bobbed brown hair to stop it flying about in the wind , and set off down the lane .
4 Only he had watched , fascinated , as the pool of blood collecting around the spilt innards suddenly burst its confines and set off down the road , finding its way slowly and with difficulty , its bright fresh surface soon matted with dust and drowning insects .
5 The 1958 Cadillac Eldorado swept out from the garage and set off down the road from Cromcruach .
6 Zak waved , retreated and set off down the corridor , flat-footed almost at once after his bounce in the dining car , and already with drooping shoulders consulting his notebook about what he needed to do next .
7 ‘ Thank you , ’ he said through gritted teeth as he set off down the corridor .
8 They switched on the car 's headlights as a beacon ; but , all of a sudden , as the Prince and his companions were half-way across the water , the lights swung round and moved away as the vehicle set off down the glen .
9 At a slightly uneven stagger the coffin set off down the aisle .
10 Throwing it over her shoulder , she set off down the aisle , the two men close behind her .
11 He took as many arrows as he could carry and , holding his bow with an arrow ready notched , set off down the track after the verderers .
12 The lock snapped into place behind him , and he set off down the hill towards his car .
13 Pretty certain this must be the man , Paige set off down the street , stopping every now and then to look in shop windows and cast surreptitious glances backwards .
14 She turned and set off down the path leading to the river and the house .
15 When Hugh 's men had lifted Aldhelm 's body on to the litter , and set off down the path with it towards the Foregate , Tutilo fell in behind the sorry little procession like a mourner , and went silently step for step with them , his eyes still upon the shrouded body .
16 " Be careful , " said Buckthorn , as Hazel and Blackberry set off down the slope .
17 He set off down the slope .
18 The Doctor set off down the slope .
19 She set off down the slope , forcing herself not to run , telling herself again and again that it was all right ; that her fears were unfounded .
20 At daybreak Miss Logan , now wearing the pistol at her belt , set off down the mountain with the guide .
21 We struck camp next day and set off down the mountain on our way to the Webi Shebeli .
22 Restored with food and warm drinks , we set off down Brewers ' Gullet , portage our final canal lock and set out down the river .
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