Example sentences of "working together [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What we 've got is two centres working together with a member management sub-committee they 've retained the power to determine future management and staffi and staffing arrangements based on the principles set out below .
2 Alfred was nowhere to be seen , Emily and Heinrich were bickering over the mayonnaise , and James Pegg and Alice were silently working together on a salad .
3 IBM Corp and Microsoft Corp are apparently working together on a project to put Windows NT up on the PowerPC RISC .
4 By the time we have adequate records , the craft guild can be seen emerging from the lodge of craftsmen working together on a project .
5 In Herefordshire , education , health , social services and voluntary groups are working together on a Lifestyles Project which enables students leaving college to have a life of their own within the community .
6 But there they were working together as a community , there in the great communal fields , where everybody had their own plot , but working together .
7 Whether they are crossing a river in a coracle to retrieve vital clues or assembling coloured cubes blindfolded and guided by duck whistles , each group 's success lies in working together as a team .
8 It is imperative that the present divisive situation is resolved as speedily as possible , to allow everyone involved with the school to start working together as a team once more .
9 Achievements are made by people working together as a team which is properly managed and led .
10 Manager Sue Surrey is seen here being presented with the southern regional quarterly audit prize by Eugene Kertzman and CCG client Ewart Wooldridge , and she has no doubt about the reason : ‘ CCG has been here for 12 years , myself for the last seven , and you can put our success down to working together as a team .
11 When working together in a team , the members can learn much from each other .
12 Some of the later pairs ‘ display a great variety and experimentation in the arrangement of motifs drawn from a widespread stock of artistic ideas ’ ( ibid. , p. 36 ) ; it is suggested that this may be the result of craftsmen working together in a workshop .
13 Companies such as British Aerospace , Lufthansa and SAAB-Scania are working together in a project co-ordinated by AEA Technology .
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