Example sentences of "working [prep] the [adj] sector " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But working with the private sector has enriched the curriculum and given pupils a look at real-life problems . ’
2 Its demise would be a blow to the Government 's entire rail privatisation strategy ; doubt has been cast on BR 's commitment to working with the private sector , and companies such as Richard Branson 's Virgin Group , which have been planning to move into the rail business , will think hard before going ahead .
3 SSDs are expected to show active signs of working with the voluntary sector , health authorities , families , gay men , and ethnic groups .
4 Though he welcomes the DoH stress on closer working with the voluntary sector and gay men , Boyce is disappointed the circular does not mention the decrease and its possible implications .
5 The Papua New Guinea Women in Media ( PNGWIM ) has been formed as a result of the seminar , which began with a challenge from keynote speaker Dr Rose Kekedo , a former government official now working in the private sector .
6 What will happen to their pay packets when they end up working in the private sector , often for less money — because we know that the national health service is simply a Bill away from being privatised ?
7 The directive was part of a plan aimed at reducing the estimated unemployment rate of between 8 and 10 per cent by doubling the percentage of Bahrainis working in the private sector to 50 per cent by mid-1994 .
8 Supreme Soviet chair Stanislav Shushkevich told deputies that a new law was being prepared which would bar state employees from working in the private sector .
9 As late as 1930 over 50 per cent of the population — more than 30 million people — were still dependent on agriculture for a living , and it was not until two decades later that there was an absolute fall in the number of Japanese working in the agricultural sector .
10 By October , BP will have 12 rigs working in the southern sector which will keep the Yarmouth base busy !
11 Statistical techniques for manpower planning : Development of statistical methods for use in manpower planning ; Application of these methods to a large database consisting of career histories of employees working in the public sector .
12 Now Scotland 's middle class feels excluded , especially those like teachers and doctors working in the public sector . ’
13 Those working in the public sector and those in jobs with strong union organisation are more likely to have occupational pensions .
14 The need for accountability — no matter how much discretion those working in the public sector exercise they will ultimately be accountable for their decisions either to superior officers or to the public through the tribunal systems .
15 Increasingly the qualities of leadership are deemed to be desirable for those working in the public sector .
16 The University of Manchester is embarking upon an initial course which will qualify bilingual teachers for the primary phase ; Leeds Polytechnic is trying to introduce a two-year part-time PGCE for teachers currently working in the voluntary sector ; the Polytechnic of North London is involved in the launching of a similar venture .
17 They are working in the voluntary sector and they 're supporting charities .
18 I have found the experience of working in the voluntary sector , first of all as Chair of C V S N A , and vice-Chair of N C V O , for I think about five or six years , and finally as Chairman , in many ways on top of all my other work , exhausting .
19 There can be no doubt that this course has heightened the management skills of some of those working in the voluntary sector , but an extra benefit is that it had widened the links between I B M and you , and widened the understanding between both of us .
20 There was always schoolteaching , of course , but that would entail the tiresome business of acquiring a Postgraduate Certificate of Education , or else working in the independent sector , to which she had ideological objections .
21 In rural areas , employment opportunities are almost nil , while in the towns the numbers working in the informal sector have increased markedly .
22 The optimum situation would be a policy that would force the TNCs to train young people rather than entice away those already trained and working in the domestic sector .
23 I had always enjoyed working in the commercial sector and was missing the action so I got a job in Singapore in March , 1992 and am working as a sales and marketing manger in an electrical engineering company .
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